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Dialogue Erasmus

Discours : Dialogue Erasmus. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  4 Décembre 2020  •  Discours  •  770 Mots (4 Pages)  •  524 Vues

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N: Hello everybody! We are three students of a Brittany university.

My name is Natalia and I’m Russian

Y: I’m Ying and I come from China

G: I’m Gabriel and I’m a French student

We have met in the Erasmus meeting in our University. Today Natalia invite us to the dinner to get to know each other.


N: Hello Ying! I’m happy to see you today.

Y: Good evening How are you?

N: I’m fine thank you come in!

Y: Thank you

N: Hi Gabriel, how are you?

G: I’m Okay and you?

N: Oh ?!! What are you doing? I’m not interesting

G: I just give you a kiss to greet you, because in France it’s a habit. Is it not in Russia??

N: Oh I’m sorry in fact in my country it’s different, we just say hello, that’s all. But because we’re in France I’m okay to adapt to your habits.

🡪 on se fait la bise, et Gabriel se rapproche de Ying et lui fait la bise aussi

Y: Even if in China we don’t have this habit I also did it to adapt to the French one.

N: Well, I prepare you our traditional dish. So I hope you will appreciate it

Y: Do you have chopsticks? Because I’m not habit to eat with a fork

N: Oh I’m sorry but I don’t thought about it and I just have some spoons if you prefer?

Y: OK can I have a spoon please?

🡪Je l’apporte

G: And at the same time can you bring knives please? because you have forgotten them.

N: Oh you need them to eat your dish?

G: Of course! Without them we cannot eat our meat. In Russia you don’t use it?

N: No we don’t.

G: So you use your fingers to eat your meat?

N: So, we just use it when we’re among family or friends. But I can bring you a knife if we want

G: yes I prefer.

Y: and can I have some piece of bread please Gabriel?

G: Okay no problem and how many do you want?

Y: Gestuelle:3 en chinois = 0 en francais et russe

G: How much?

N: Zero?

Y; No! I mean three piece of bread

G: Oh in France that’s mean zero

N: In Russia too. So is it okay or have you need something else??

Y&G: No, I’ts perfect thanks

N: Fine so we can start to eat… finely!!


Nowadays, more and more students go abroad due to


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