Cours : QUESTIONS SUR LE FILM JOY. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Antoine Thongsoum • 27 Octobre 2020 • Cours • 1 453 Mots (6 Pages) • 556 Vues
Antoine THONGSOUM BOIS - 19001483
Film Review:
This film is about the story of Joy. In the beginning of the film we see her when she was young, she lives with her grandmother, mother and father, but also with her half-sister. She also spends a lot of time playing with her best friend. As a young girl, she is creative, she creates a lot of things with paper for example she loves to play with it. Her grandmother is proud of her, she says to her that she will create a lot of things. After this we see Joy a few years after, when she is an adult. She is now a mother of two children. Her life isn’t as her grandmother told her; she is divorced with the father of her children. Her parents are also divorced and in bad terms. She doesn’t have a lot of money. She works for a airplanes company. One day, her father met a new woman, this woman is rich, she invites the family of Joy to spend the afternoon on her boat. Because of the waves, the glass of wine of Joy felt on the floor of the boat. Joy must wash the floor, but she gets cut on her hands because of the glass. It is at this moment that Joy will have the idea to create a self-draining boomer
Then she focused on creating a product. She has first to design the products. She asked Trudy to finance her product to produce it. She also has to find a supplier and a lawyer. After that, she finds a way to sell her boomer, the television! The first time her product is describes on TV, it is by a man how don’t know anything about it, it is a big fail, Joy didn’t sell any boomer. The second time, it is Joy how describes the product, she explains that it is her how know the most about it, that’s why it is legit. She is doing great on the TV with the help of her best friends how help us by phoning the channel asking some questions about the product. This time, 50 000 boomers are sold. Joy is happy, her family is proud of her. But after this she has to deal with the death of her grandmother, but also with the supplier who always want more money for the production, she then went to visit him, but in fact she discovered that the supplier is stealing her molds model. She then though it was over with her product, but after developing a strategy she successful get her molds back. She then gets rich, created a lot of other products and she is at the end a woman who gives opportunity to finance new products.
Concepts chapters 5:
- New Product (A good service, or idea that is perceived by some potential customers as new). After being perceived as new by the customers, he will learn more about it, to know if he will adopt this new product or not.[pic 1]
After starting the production of her product, Joy must find a way to sell her product, she must find some customers that are ready to buy her product. She tries to get some customers in front of a market called “K mart”. After a demonstration of her product, some woman may be interested. They all have a broom, but they don’t have a self-draining broom. It is something new that you can’t find in any supermarket because it just has been created.
- Need recognition (the first stage of the buyer decision process, in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need). Chapter 5 explain about the process of buying wich is composed by 5 steps. The first step is the recognition of need. The buyer recognize a need or an issue. The need can be triggered by a internal or external stimuli. Internal stimuli triggered when one of the person’s normal needs rises to a high level to become a drive. External stimuli triggered can be an advertisement on the TV or speaking with your friend how has bought something new. This will help the person to know about what is the issue or what he need to then pass to the second step of the buyign process wich is the “information search”.
[pic 2]
I decided to choose the same scene because it also explains the recognition need. When the best friend of Joy starts to use the broom explaining at the same time some details. She starts explaining how the broom can wash every edge, how it is self-draining and how you can put it in the washing machine. At the moment women how are listening to her are in the first stage of the buying process, they recognize the need of this broom, because he covers more needs than other brooms!
Concepts chapter 6:
- General need description (The stage of the business buying process in which the company describes the general characteristics and quantity of a needed item). The buyer may recognize his need and know what he wants but he must describe the characteristics and the quantity that he has in mind. It may also help defining the rentability, durability prince and some other attributes. This is one of the first interaction between the buyer and the business marketer.
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After having the idea to create a self-draining boomer, Joy starts drawing some examples of boomer with the characteristics, materials etc. She then asked a worker that work for his father to do a sample. She needs this sample to explain better about her products, but also to know the time, price and quantity of material needed to produce it. This will help us to fix a price, how to product it etc.
- Supplier search (The stage of the business buying process in which the buyer tries to find the best vendors). After having a design product, supplier search is important to find the firm that will product your good. To find one there is a lot of method, asking recommendation from other companies. Nowadays, company are searching for supplier on the web. If you are searching a supplier for something brand new, it will be harder because it is something new. You also need to find a “considered” supplier, to build a good reputation.
[pic 4]
After having a sample and founding the financial support Joy need to search a supplier to products her self-draining boomer. In this scene, they are searching the cheapest way to products her boomer. It is maybe not the best way because you first have to make sure that the firm that will product your product is considered. In the movie the best way to find a supplier is by asking people you know, there is no internet data to find suppliers. This scene explains how the family tries to get the best vendors for Joy’s product.