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Société et cultures Anglais

Cours : Société et cultures Anglais. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

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Société et cultures Anglais 2 mars 2017

Mock test :

⦁ What started the 7 years war ?

French settlers settled in areas that had already been settled by the british in the Ohio Valley in 1754. They started building fortifications they showed they wanted to stay and to defend their territory.

⦁ What was the very first capital of the US?

Philadelphia before it was transferred to Washington DC.

⦁ Where and when did Martin Luther King Jr deliver his “I have a dream” speech?

It took place in 1963 in Washington DC on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

⦁ Who was the first president of the US?

George Washington.

⦁ How many time zones are there in the USA?

6 = 4 main zones + Alaskai + Hawaii

⦁ When did the Revolutionary War begin and when?

It started in 1775 (one year before the Declaration of Independence) in two neighbories towns

⦁ Who was Louisiana named after? Why?

After the ing of France who was at the time Louis the 14th because it was named by a french explorer who explored the Mississipi : Cavellier De la Salle.

⦁ What were the two most important battles of the Revolutionary War?

Battle of Bunker Hill near Boston and Battle of Yorktown in 1781: they destroyed their own ships not to be taken by the French

⦁ Who mainly drafted the Declaration of Independence? When?

Thomas Jefferson

⦁ What were the names of the three merchant ships hich arrived in Virginia in 1607 and whose passengers founed Jamestown?

Discovery, the smallest, which stayed behind in Virginia when the other two, the Susan Constant and the Godspeed

⦁ Can you describe Cajun culture? (music, dancing, food)?

It’s a mixture of French and black music. The accordeon, the triangle, the guitar, the washboard. Mainly spicy food: lots of sea food: shrimps

⦁ What happened to James Somersett in England in 1772?

He was a jamaican slave taken by his american master. He escaped and was recaptured by white English slavery activists said that this man should be concidered as a free man. Little an little the mentality changed.

⦁ What was the Mayflower? Where and when did she arrive?

It was a ship which transported Pelgrims. They decided to get on board and to move. They were agaisnt the church of England, not satisfied with it too much decoration and too much corruption. They stayed twelve years in Holland and went back to England to prepare for the trip. They wanted to practice and worship their religion how they wanted.1620.

⦁ What is the height of the Freedom Tower (or 1WTC)? What does it symbolize?

⦁ What do you know about the American Revolution?

⦁ What state is the least populated on the US mainland?


⦁ What was the difference between the Pilgrim Fathers and the Puritans?

Their common point : all disatisfied with the church. Pilgrim wanted to do a new church while the Puritans were more optimistics and just wanted to reform the actual church.

⦁ Give details about the Lincoln Memorial.

Huge white columns. Huge statue of Abraham Lincoln in the middle of it.

⦁ Who founded Pennsylvania? To what extent was this colony different from the others?

William Penn. He wanted everybody to take part in the decisions of the government, of the colony. Pennsylvania was called like that because Sylvania = forest.

⦁ What were the living conditions like for slaves on board the slave ships?

They were packed. They couldn’t see the sky, wre without light. Were chained. They laid. Children could move.

⦁ What happened in 1607 in what is now the US?

⦁ When did the first Thanksgiving take place?

⦁ (What is the bottom of the ship called?)

⦁ When did the French and Indian War start? Give details about it.

⦁ Somebody asks you the difference between a Cajun and a Louisianian; what do you explain to him/her?

Cajuns are people whose ancestors were from France and first settled in what was called Acadia. They migrated south to escape british rules, domination and many went to Louisiania. Louisianians are people from Louisiana.

⦁ What are the names of the Great Lakes?

Lake Superior, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie

⦁ What time is it in Miami when it's 8 am in San Diego?

⦁ What monuments or memorials can you visit around the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C.?

⦁ Where was the Statue of Liberty built (two places)? Tell her 'story'.

⦁ You are doing research in American history. Where are you going to study in Washington? Give details about it.

Library of Congress that burned, where Thomas Jefferson gave his entire personal collection.

⦁ Where is Ellis Island situated? Explain what it was.

⦁ Give the names of two tributaries of the Mississippi River

Higlights of Indian History:

The first americans who arrived approximetely 12 thousands years ago. They are the ancestors of present-day Natives. They come from Asia and came to America from the North. The North of America was covered by glaciers 2 miles deep (3kms). The precipitations come from the evaporation of sea water. Those glaciers withdrew water from the sees. That’s why there’s water between Russia and Alaska. They colomnised the whole American continent little by little, from the north to the south. Archelogists found arms in south america from 12 thousands years ago, showing there were alreay people there before they arrived. The prevalent theory at the moment is that there were sevral migrations, he first one being along the coast and then, thousands of years later, as the glaciers melt, there was an other route, a central route in the middle of America that opened and an other grouo of asians might have comed by that route.

To sum up the old theory vs the new one:

The old theory:

All the First Americans arrived after the Last Ice Age about 12,000 (11,400) years ago; they walked (where we now have the Berung Strait) over the land bridge that had formed between Asia and America (the glaciation having lwoered the level of the seas)

The more recent theory:

Some arrived in this way, but others had arrived earlyer, migrating along the ice-free coast 12,000 to 13,00 years ago.

⦁ Not all the ancestors/forebears/forefathers of today’s Native Amzricans arrived over the same period, not all belonged to the same ethnic and linguistic group. They may have come thousands of years apart.

Map published in 1992 : Year of the American Indian


T-shirt with Apache warriors (Geronimo right)

Terrorism of all the settlors they considered as invadors.



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