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Traitement de texte anglais les inégalités

Commentaire de texte : Traitement de texte anglais les inégalités. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  7 Avril 2020  •  Commentaire de texte  •  308 Mots (2 Pages)  •  585 Vues

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Léa Combe COM 2 B

People spend nearly one third of their adult lives at work, and workplace issues are a common source of stress for many. It is impossible to have a workplace where everyone's roles, expectations, and personalities work perfectly together, without conflict.

For decades, women have been discriminated against in the modern workplace. Same for a parent. She/He will need arranging hours, but everyone doesn’t understand that. The discrimination is still there.

It seems that if you accomplished yourself in your private life there will be boundaries in your career. If you deeply want a child, then your work will maybe make you pay for that in a way or another. I think that work is taking too many places in a human life: Career persons are the new “need to be” for many bosses. But we must remember that there is more than working in our lives. There is love, friendship, family and joy of nature. I may sound a little hippie. But work is only our way to pay our bills.  

For people who truly want a career, then there will be those boundaries. Only a single hetero man who is 35 will be ok because, that is the stereotype of a non-discriminated person. But will he be happy?

Discrimination destroy happiness, that is my conclusion.


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