Strategist For Wal Mart, By Aaron Bernstein, Businessweek. Anglais Devoir N° 1 Coke Promises A Probe In Colombia, By Dean Foust. A Social
Compte Rendu : Strategist For Wal Mart, By Aaron Bernstein, Businessweek. Anglais Devoir N° 1 Coke Promises A Probe In Colombia, By Dean Foust. A Social. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoiresent ensemble a la réduction des dechets industriels. Le porte-parole du groupe affirment que leur efforts se portent sur leur responsabilités au sein de la société.
En definitif nous retrouvons dans ces deux atricles deux grand groupe de renomée mondiale confrontés a deux situations differentes mais néanmoins semblables en certains points. En effet des deux cotés nous avons des millitants qui defendent differentes causes par differents moyens comme par exemples les universites du Michigan qui ne permettent plus la vente des produits Coca-Cola dans leurs etablissements. Les grands groupes réagissent et mettent en place des dispositifs afin de s'adapter aux changement mais aussi de garder une bonne image dans l'esprits du consommateur se veulent eco-responsable et on parle alors de valeur societal.
a ) " A million dollars isn't what it used to be ". Expliquez et commentez cette citation.
Thanks to this expression we learn that in fact money don't have the same value as it had in the past. This expression means that 1 million dollars is not so much money nowadays. People are much more rich, they get a lot of money and their needs grows with it. In some states like California almost the all population is verry rich they have homes that cost more than 1 million dollars, they don't have only one car ... they have employees who does everything for them. I mean nowadays rich people buy a lot of things they don't really need which obviously benefits to campanies who fixe high price for things that don't really worth it. people are in the show off.
That's why through this expression we understand that 1 million dollar nowadays can't buy the same things as does in the past and that behaviour change o lot with the time.
b ) Décrivez l'image avec le blouson Wal-Mart.
We see a person who's back, walking on the street. This person is wearing a jacket. On the middle of this jacket we can see a big smile. Just on the top of this smiley we can read on capital letter " WAL-MART " it's seems like an add for Wal-Mart compagnie. Just below this we can read " ALWAYS LOW PRICES, ALWAYS WAL-MART " this appears like a slogan, and just under this slogan we have the word " ALWAYS" repeated and written in a different way, like it was written by hand. The jacket is black i suppose the smiley is yellow. And we can see a star between Wal and Mart.
c ) Décrivez et analysez le tableau : " Polishing the resume ".
Here we have a table/array with eight boxes. Above a little text we can read : " which company board would provide the most valuable experience for a top CEO ?" .
We also can see a title : " THE BIG PICTURE " after that we have a litle text : " POLISHING THE RESUME Execs still covet a stint on big-compangy boards, but outfits like Google and Indian outsourcer InfoSys are valued, too. " Under this text wec have a drawing. We can see on it a man holding a trophy in his hands. Now let's focus on the array.
we have 8 companies which are : GE, GOOGLE, TOP VC FIRM, GM, INFOSYS, MICROSOFT, CITIGROUP and finally NYSE. This array is here to respond to the question i quote.
So we can see that GE company is the leader with 44 %, GOOGLE comes next with 27 % and in the third place we can find TOP VC FIRM with 11 %. So we can conclude that working in GE company is better than working for Google and also more reward than working for MICROSOFT for exemple, but working for TOP VC FIRM gives less valuable experiences than working for Google. Other way working for CITIGROUP as the same value as working for NYSE company.
QUESTION 2 : How does globalisation affect working conditions ?
First of all let's try to define simply globalisation. We can say that globalisation is the process of opening all national economies in a market to become global i mean international. As everything globalisation has advantages but also drawbacks.
Globalisation can reduce reduce international inequalities. I mean when firms export themselves thay also export their skills, their knowledge in order to reduce literacy in some countries. Globalization is at the forefront of multinational firms and allows them to achieve the goal of maximum profit which make them invest abroad and participate to development of the south countries. Globalization also gives a stable source of funding to these countries. All these advantages reveals that globalisation can have good effects.
Even if we saw that globalisation has a lot of advantages it can have drawbacks too.
Contrary to advantages, disadvantages mainly concern the states, their residents and public wealth in general. I mean profits is the goal and to earn money companies makes economies that often affect employees, environment and