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What is your favourite sport?

TD : What is your favourite sport?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  9 Mars 2021  •  TD  •  357 Mots (2 Pages)  •  675 Vues

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The theme I have chosen is: What is your favourite sport?

Since I can remember dancing has been my passion, I started at the age of 3 (three) dancing to a classic style for a year, but never really got into that specific style I thought it was to slow. After that I started to dance rock, where you dance with a partner mostly known for the Elvis Presley songs. I danced rock for 4 (four) years and after that I started Boogie-Woogie, very similar to the Rock style, it’s a swing courant dance and is usually danced on Boogie-Woogie where its name comes from. The music is faster compared to the songs we danced to for the rock. When dancing Boogie-Woogie, the dancers play with the intonation of the songs and there is always a part of improvisation. The Boogie-Woogie has been inspired by the rock style in many ways, such as the skip rock footwork, acrobatic from rock acrobatics or swing routines from lindy hop. I quickly loved the dancing style and found a partner who I danced with for 12 (twelve) years, we participated to many national events, we have been 3 (three) times first price in the junior France champions ships, but also placed 9th (ninth) in the world championships. For that championship we had to travel to different countries such as Germany, Italie, Austria and many others. It really was a great experience, getting to know about different people from all around the world, and mainly just being in the French national team. They really are unforgettable moments of my life. I also had the possibility to dance in some shows that I was paid for, last summer for example, a company called Clarins. To conclude dancing for me is a way to feel free and to not think about anything else just for an instant. Since last year I haven’t found the time to train, especially with Covid every festival I was supposed to attend to has been cancelled. However, I continue to follow the news all about dancing globally and really hope to have more time next year to start again.


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