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What is GDPR ?

Dissertation : What is GDPR ?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  19 Octobre 2019  •  Dissertation  •  338 Mots (2 Pages)  •  790 Vues

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What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted by the European Parliament in April 2016, but what’s is his goal?

For Elizabeth Denham an Information Commissioner, GDPR is “the biggest change to data protection law for a generation”.

The GDPR brings in the front the security of the data of user all around the world. The limit is not only for EU company but for those who uses data of eu citizen. This enhancement of data security and transparency have changed lot of process in company.

As it demonstrated by a Veritas survey, 40% of business are fearful of non-compliance of GDPR, and 31% are worried about giving bad image of company from poor data policies.

So, why a lot of company have a mistrust in the application of GDPR?

First, the GDPR will strengthen the safeguards against data violation and the disclosure requirements where there’s been a data breach.

That’s means that company must implementing measures to ensuring the reporting requirements. For example, when a data processor discovers a breach, it has to be a system to notify the controller.

Secondly, the GDPR will change the process of a company, like the requirement of Formal Data Privacy Impact Assessments when using new technologies. More than that company must describe their processing operations to avoid high-risk data.

For this step, Gartner recommends prioritising five specific actions for the impending requirements:

  1. Assess the GDPR readiness
  2. Design an implementation plan
  3. Transform the organisation wherever enhancements are needed
  4. Operate along a framework designed to ensure compliance
  5. Conform on an ongoing basis to GDPR standard

This step must be followed with two important roles, the Data protection authority and the Data protection officer.

But what are the difference for user with the GDPR?

GDPR include a high transparency to the use of the data of user. Now user can know what data are used and why they are used. They also can accept or refuse to send their personal data.

To conclude, GDPR means that customers and company are now responsible of the protection of their data.


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