What is "disability"for you ?
Fiche : What is "disability"for you ?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar lausteph • 21 Mars 2019 • Fiche • 697 Mots (3 Pages) • 815 Vues
Since the law for access for everyone has been apply in France, teacher are more and more
expose to students with disabilities. In September 2016, there was 172 145 pupils with
disabilities at elementary school. Whether a surge of 7,5%.
We have chosen to speak about disabilities at school because it’s a subject which interest
us. Moreover, it’s an issue that we may meet during our occupation.
This presentation will show you different category of disabilities that we can encounter at
school or in society and some tools in order to adapt our educational methods.
What is “disability” for you ?
Definition : Term of Disabilities points out a person’s incapacity to live and act in his
environment because of physical, sensory or mental deficiency.
I/ Disabilities generality
Disability remains today a very difficult word to define, often badly used and almost always
connoted in a negative way.
Motor disability It covers all disorders that can cause partial or complete impairment of motor
skills, including upper and / or lower limbs (difficulty to move, keep or change a position, take
and manipulate, perform certain actions). Certain cerebral motor impairments may also
cause difficulties in expressing themselves, without impairing intellectual abilities.
The visual handicap It concerns the blind people, but also, in the majority of the cases, the
visually impaired people.
Hearing impairment Total hearing loss is rare. As with visual impairment, most hearing
impaired people have "auditory remains" for which hearing aids provide real utility. Some
deaf people use sign language and others use lip reading to communicate.
The psychic handicap It can be noted that people with psychological difficulties suffer from a
discomfort that can be translated, at times, by behaviors that are confusing for others,
because they are far from the usual and agreed behaviors.
Intellectual disability It is a limitation in the speed of mental functions in terms of
understanding, knowledge and cognition. The resulting disabilities may have different
degrees and disrupt the acquisition of memorizing knowledge, attention, communication,
social and professional autonomy, emotional stability and behavior ...
Disabling diseases All respiratory, digestive, parasitic, infectious diseases (diabetes,
haemophilia, AIDS, cancer, hyperthyroidism ...) can lead to deficiencies or more or less
important constraints. They can be momentary, permanent or evolving. Nearly half of
disabling diseases are respiratory or cardiovascular.
Since the law for access for everyone has been apply in France, teacher are more and more
expose to students with disabilities. In September 2016, there was 172 145 pupils with
disabilities at elementary school. Whether a surge of 7,5%.
We have chosen to speak about disabilities at school because it’s a subject which interest
us. Moreover, it’s an issue that we may meet during our occupation.
This presentation will show you different category of disabilities that we can encounter at