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Lease manual for users

Cours : Lease manual for users. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  31 Mars 2019  •  Cours  •  486 Mots (2 Pages)  •  553 Vues

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Lease MANAGEMENT                                                            – User

Overview        1

Applying for a license        2

Reset password        5



To be able to use the Design tool every user needs a lease. All leases are handled by a local administrator. A user that want to use the Design tool needs to apply for a lease.

FlexLink as a company has many licenses for the design tool and the local administrator can lease these licenses to users for a specified time. The lease will be connected to the users email so there will be no need to keep track of the license code.

Applying for a lease

  1. Open the Design Tool [pic 2] (Start menu>All Programs>FlexLink Design Tool>FlexLink Design Tool.exe)
  2. Click on “Apply for License“. This will take you to the application form for the Design Tool.[pic 3]

  1. Fill in the form. An email will be sent to the local administrator for approval of the account. [pic 4]

  1. Once the local administrator has accepted the application you will get an email from noreply@flexlink.com. Follow the link to activate your account. [pic 5]
  1. Fill in a password for the account and press “Save changes“.

[pic 6]

  1. Your account has now been activated. Open the design tool and sign in with your email and password.[pic 7]

Reset password

  1. Open the Design Tool [pic 8] (Start menu>All Programs>FlexLink Design Tool>FlexLink Design Tool.exe)
  2. Fill in your email address[pic 9]
  1. Click on “Forgot password?

[pic 10]

  1. Your request for password reset will be sent and an email with instructions of how to reset the password will be sent to your email.[pic 11]
  1. Open the email and click on the link to reset your password.[pic 12]
  1. Fill in your new password and press “Reset password[pic 13]


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