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The Aboriginals of Australia

Synthèse : The Aboriginals of Australia. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  14 Juin 2023  •  Synthèse  •  331 Mots (2 Pages)  •  262 Vues

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The Aboriginals of Australia

Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for around 50 000 years or more. Almost all aboriginal people were semi-nomadic, meaning they would move from place to place. They people would settle in a certain area and build or find some temporary shelters.They would hunt for food.After a period of time, the group would move to another place. This way of life meant that the land was never overused.

Groups of Aboriginal people lived in different parts of the country and spoke different langages.

The Aboriginal People live in 43,8% in regional areas, 34,8% live in major cities, 13,7% Live in very remote areas and 7,7% live in remote areas

They are use different tools, weapons and utensils.The people had a huge knowledge and respect for the land.

The people living near the coast caught fish for food. People who lived inland hunted for land animals like Kangaroos, lizards and gathered plants. People who lived in the desert areas moved around more often in search of fresh food.

Some key dates:

In 1790: The Large-scale killings of aboriginal people.

In 1869:The Aborigines Protection Act: Aborigines’ children can be removed from their families. They are called the Stolen Generation.

In 1901: Aboriginals are excluded from the vote, pensions and employment.

In 1948:  Aboriginesare reconised for the first time as Australien citizens.

In1962: Aboriginals are allowed to vote for the first time.

In1975: Law against the discrimination of Aboriginal people.

In 2008: Prime Minister Kevin Rudd officially apologises to the Stolen Generation.

The average life expectancy of Aborigines was ten years less than that of Australians. Aboriginal men have a life expectancy of 69 years compared to 80 years for non-Aboriginal Australian men. Aboriginal women have a life expectancy of 74 years compared to 83 years for non-Aboriginal Australian women.

They are 53.9% of natives aged 20 to 24 having obtained a 12 year or an equivalent qualification in 2011

Among the indigenous, 50% of people were unemployed between the ages of 15 and 64 compared to 20% of non-indigenous in 2012-2013.


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