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Comparison book Murder on the Orient Express with film Glass Onion : A Knives Out Mystery

Étude de cas : Comparison book Murder on the Orient Express with film Glass Onion : A Knives Out Mystery. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  27 Mars 2023  •  Étude de cas  •  1 020 Mots (5 Pages)  •  347 Vues

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I read the book Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie and watched the movie Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, both about crime. I chose this book because Agatha Christie is a popular crime author and the title of the book is interesting. I chose this movie because it has just come out and I heard that it is a good movie. In this report, I am going to compare the two.

The genre of the book is mystery novel because a murder has been committed and a detective has to investigate who committed the murder. In the book, there are a number of suspects who each have a motive for having committed the murder. Only at the end of the book does the reader find out who committed the murder. The book is fiction, but still has some elements that happened in the past. In the film, there is also a detective who has to find out who committed the murder, but the viewer only finds out about the murder halfway through the film. Also, the case is much more complex and another murder takes place during the detective's investigation. The viewer only finds out about the plot twist at the end of the film. The film was much harder to understand than the book. In the film, there is only 1 perpetrator who committed the murders but in the book, there are several perpetrators who each stabbed the victim with a knife. The film is also much more comical than the book. The film doesn't feel like a crime movie because there are sometimes funny bits in it. The book is not funny at all, it is just serious. It's still a crime book so I can understand why it's not funny.

The book is set in the 1930s - 1940s, it has some elements of the past such as the old trains. The film takes place much more recently, namely: in 2020 during the corona pandemic, because in the film they talk about lockdowns and mouth masks. This makes the film more interesting because it is more topical than the book. In the book, the story lasts about a week and there are not too many events on top of each other. In the film, the story lasts only a weekend and there are many events on top of each other that makes the story really chaotic.

In the book, the narrator speaks in the third person and focuses on the detective's thoughts and actions. The narrator is mostly objective, but the text has juicy, subjective details about each character. All observations seem to correspond to the detective; what the narrator thinks is the same as what the detective thinks. In the film, you mainly follow the perspective of the detective, but you also get the feelings and thoughts of the other characters.

The beginning of the book and the film are both very different. From the beginning to halfway through the film, there is really nothing special going on, just a couple of friends having fun

on an island. There is sometimes fantasy in the film which is not there at all in the book. In the book, you actually find out fairly quickly that a murder has been committed. The beginning is like any other crime book. In the film, I thought I was watching the wrong film because it wasn't about a crime at all.

In the middle of the film, you only know that a murder has happened and then the detective tries to find out who did the killing. The detective actually doesn't take long to find the theory behind the murder which is complex in my


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