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Fiche de lecture

Cours : Fiche de lecture. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  23 Février 2019  •  Cours  •  268 Mots (2 Pages)  •  627 Vues

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Jimmy were bullying in the past, in the same school and by the same person who shove him with his friends… He wa humiliated and insulted by this harassment. He made a heavy depression… That remembered him a lot of bad memories.

But now, just after the bully hustled him he decided that it could not happen as usual. He turned and he called to the bully :

- « Hey ! What is your problem ?! Your mother didn’t breast-feed you ? »

At this time the bully turned also and said :

- « You are very talking to me ?! A tip : think hard ! »

- « Of course ! I talking to you because you just hurt me ! »

- « So I think the lesson of the last time not satisfy you ? You want to try again ! »

And at this time, the bully taked of his bag and he headed toward Jimmy with anger… But Jimmy was angry too and all the shcool or almost were behind him to support him. The fray began and the two students were relentless… Neither has the top… But Jimmy, in a second succeeded to knock down his opponent. When he was on the ground a lot of person rush to hurt the bully because such as Jimmy, they were bullying by him but no one had the same courage of Jimmy. The bully and his friends decided to ran away and the defeat was so much humiliated for them that they never restart. For Jimmy, this action make him very popular and he is now neer alone.


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