Lettre de réservation
Lettre type : Lettre de réservation. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Charlotte Gutierrez • 10 Janvier 2018 • Lettre type • 588 Mots (3 Pages) • 892 Vues
Mrs Valérie Durand
138 Boulevard des Dames
14001 CAEN
Langton House B&B
46Alma Road
April 1st, 2017
Dear Mr and Mrs . Fogg,
I'm Mrs. Durand Valérie, I want come in Windsor with my husband and my soon which is eight. We want to come one week this summer, the twenty to the twenty seven of July. So, I would like some informations about your B&B Hotel.
First of all, I want to know that it's possible to share a room me, my husband and my soon. If it's the case,have you a room for us?
After, we want to keep a liberty for moving, it's easy to park the car near to the accomodation? If the hotel have a car park, parking place are free or not?
One after the other of this question, Mr and Mrs. Fogg, if it's possible, would you be good enough to send us a pamphlet about Windsor? If the brochure is in english it isn't a problem for me.
To finish, how can we reserve a room quickly? We must to pay the full amount or we just pay a deposit?
We are looking forward to your reply, please accept, Mr and Mrs. Fogg, yours faithfully.
Mrs Valérie Durand
- Partager une chambre/combien en reste-t-il = one
Triple room (3 Persons) with continental breakfast and taxes | £132.00 / 153.19€ |
- Parking proche/Payer ou gratuit = Have a free street parking
- Comment reserver rapidement/Payer tout ou acompte = Must pay a deposite of 50% of your week or the price of a night.