Portrait de Simone Weil
Fiche : Portrait de Simone Weil. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar hecsvr • 11 Janvier 2023 • Fiche • 263 Mots (2 Pages) • 298 Vues
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Simone Veil
Im going to talk about Simone Veil, the famous French politician and magistrate.[pic 1]
She was born on 13th (thirteenth) July 1927 (nineteen-twenty seven) in Nice.
She was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp at the age of 16 because she was Jewish. She loses her brother and her father from the beginning and then her mother dies during their deportation.
She was liberated by the Allies in 1945 (nineteen forty five).
She returned to France with her two sisters Madeleine and Denise. She married Jacob Veil shortly after returning from the camps. She then began studying law and political science. Simone Veil will become a senior official. She was Minister of Health under the presidency of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and was responsible for the decriminalization of abortion. She had a lot of trouble getting her bill passed. His struggle was very violent and trying because of the right-wing parties. She is strongly insulted, the extremists compare her bill to a genocide, she is herself a victim of the Shoah. [pic 2]
The law was finally adopted on 17 (seventeenth) January 1975 (nineteen seventy five). Simone Veil then appears as an icon of the feminist struggle.
She become the first president of the European Parliament.
Emmanuel Macron brought her into the Pantheon with her husband on 1st July 2018 (twenty eighteen).
I chose this woman because despite being deported during WW2, she managed to return to a more or less normal life. She had embarked on a brilliant political career and had achieved much in the advancement of the status of women.
[pic 3]