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The influence of media

Étude de cas : The influence of media. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  2 Mai 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  420 Mots (2 Pages)  •  836 Vues

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The power makes a reference to the capacity to exercise a control over a person or a group. There are various types of powers, as the power of media, the power of religion, the power of speech or the places of power. How does the power influence people ? In the first place we are going to see the influence of media, then the influence of religion.

First of all we are going to see the influence of media.

On the one hand on the elections. Indeed thanks to the oral comprehension « The 26th September Debate » because the man speaking to us tells us that during the debate between Richard Nixon and JF Kennedy, the radio listeners said that Nixon had won, whereas these who watched TV said the opposite. If is understandable because Nixon had the pale complexion the recovered from a disease, while Kennedy had the young air.  He says that the TV changed the politic.

On the other hand on the young voters. Effectively we can see in the documents E4 Channel that the channel E4 incites the young people to go to vote. The channel will stop when polling stations will open and will resume their usual schedule in the evening to encourage the young people from 16 to 34 years old to vote. Their plan has worked because there were much more voters.

Finally, we are going to see the influence of religion.

On the one hand on the institution in the United States. Indeed we can see it in the document “God in the US institution?” because all the children have to say every morning to the school the pledge of allegiance which says “A Nation under God” since 1954. Two years later the official state motto becomes “In God We Trust” . All the president end their speeches with “God Bless America”. Thus God is a Great influence in the US institution.

On the other hand with a song. Effectively we can see it with a Bob Dylan's song. The words of “With God on our side” deals with the habit of the people to call upon God for not to have to justify their acts, as the massacre of the Native Americans or the American civil war. At the every end of the stanza there is a sentence “God on our side” but it is ironic on behalf of Bob Dylan when we know that it is to justify the disasters of numerous wars. He criticizes the people who uses the influence of God.


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