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To kill a mocking bird

Synthèse : To kill a mocking bird. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  17 Avril 2020  •  Synthèse  •  621 Mots (3 Pages)  •  533 Vues

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Chapter 13:

In this chapter, we learn that Alexandra, Jem and Scout’s aunt, stay in the city of Maycomb. The women really like her so aunt Alexandra integrates quickly into Maycomb’s society. Alexandra is very proud of the Finch family but Scout and her brother don’t understand why. One day, she tells them about their cousin Joshua and Jem asks her if it’s the same Joshua who is crazy and tries to shoot the president as Atticus said. Aunt Alexandra get upset by what she heard. Therefore, Aunt Alexandra asks Atticus to tell them their family story and make them realize that they come from a good family. Atticus tries but he makes Scout cry because he becomes overbearing. Atticus says that he’s becoming like their cousin every day.

Chapter 14:

In this chapter, we learn that Scout and Jem go through several glances and whispers from the town because of the Tom Robinson affair.. Scout hears the word “rape” and asks Atticus what rape is. The conversation turns up to Calpurnia church. Alexandra refuses the children to go there the next sunday. Scout argues with her father to fire Calpurnia but Atticus,obviously,refuses.

Then, Scout is getting angry because Jem tells her to not annoy Aunt Alexandra so she fights again with her brother. After Atticus intervention, she is sent to bed and she discovers under her bed something. Dill is hiding just there. We learn that Dill has escaped from his mother’s house in Meridian because his mum and his “new father” did not care of him and did not pay attention to him. Jem warns Atticus by Dill’s presence and Scout brings him some food. Afterwards, Dill and Scout talk about the reasons Dill run away, and Scout begins to imagine if Atticus did not pay enough attention to her, she doesn’t really like this idea. Dill suggests that he and Scout buy a baby. The conversation comes to Boo Radley when Scout asks Dill why Boo Radley has never run away as Dill. Dill answers by saying that he probably does not have a place where he can run away.

Chapter 15:

In this chapter we learn that Tom Robinson will be back to Maycomb jail. Alexandra doesn’t approve Atticus’s decision about defending Tom Robinson. She says that he disgraces the family. Atticus goes in town to read a newspaper in front of Maycomb jail while a group of men, a mob, order Atticus to get out and obviously Atticus refuses. Meanwhile, Jem, Scout and Dill come. Scout and Jem step in and Atticus asks Jem to leave and he refuses. Scout recognizes Mr Cunningham, and she starts talking about his entailment and his son. Mr Cunningham is ashamed and he and his mob clear out.

Chapter 16:

In this chapter, the trial starts. Before the trial, Atticus is doubtful regarding Mr Underwood because he’s racist but defends Tom Robinson. Alexandra tells to


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