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Treasures of ou country

Cours : Treasures of ou country. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  2 Décembre 2018  •  Cours  •  1 941 Mots (8 Pages)  •  735 Vues

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Third Year Project:



Elaborated by:

Desert Eagles

Team Members :

          NAHALI Hiba

                            MELKI Sabrine

                    SEDRAOUI Marwen

                                    SAGUER TRABELSI Med Ali

        GEBSI Hssine

                      GLAOUI Noureddine


                                                  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

As a Team, our project report is going to present some aspects of our destination which is Kebili-Tunisia

In this point all what we can say is that, Kebili was founded in the sixteenth century with the beginning of Ottoman empire, by Abdallah Ben Bouzid Al mahmoudi Trabelsi, where Arabic is the dominant language in the region. And nowadays, one of the hottest places in Africa gothers a real friendly conservative people with whom we can enjoy the relative freshness of the oasis and spend amazing nights in barbarian camps.



CONTENT        3


1.        Establishment of the region and its origin        4

2.        Values and ethnic groups        6

a.        Morals and believes        6

b.        Ethnic groups        6

3.        Dialects        6

4.        Interesting plans        6



Since Tourism has become an important sector that has an impact on development of country economy. Our team, decided to help even a little bit with promoting this critical sector by visiting one of the hidden treasures of our country which is the region of kebili mainly Ksar Guilane. Our project report is not just based on presenting the activities which we can enjoy visiting this region, but also it helps to get to know kebili more while explaning some of its cultural aspects .

  1. Establishment of the region and its origin

Kebili was founded in the sixteenth century with the beginning of Ottoman empire, by Abdallah Ben Bouzid Al mahmoudi Trabelsi, the gouvernor of Nefzawa at that time. The people of Nefzawa ( Ras Al-Ain) quarrels because of Abdallah son's behaviors until they killed him, which led Abdallah Ben Bouzid to destroy the city with the help of an extended army and then fled from the rest of people to the nighboring villages, after committing the largeast massacre in the region's history.

Abdallah Ben Bouzid returned after all that with many of his people ( Al mahameed) and founded the ancient kebili. The name of kebili which means the one who came from the Quibla ( Qablawi) describes Abdallah himself, as in the geography, Tripoli, the original city of Abdallah was at the quibla of Nifzawa and Kebili was build on the ruins of Nifzawa.

In the colonial era, the French colonial authorities noticed the importance of the region north of the oasis so a military barracks was installed there in addition to the Bayaz market. The place became later a new township and was called kebili, the same old name of that region from the days of the Ottoman empires. Kebili was used next as an exile for the tunisian strivers.

After the independence, at 7 September 1981, kebili became one of the 24 governorate of Tunisia

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  1. Values and ethnic groups

  1. Morals and believes

To get a clear idea about the culture of Kebili we must first undergo a brief history tour.

Kebili is part of the Tunisian south which was the first colonized region under the French occupiers since 1881. Consequently, this led people to rebel and manifest their anger to protect their homeland.

In fact, this is still a major factor in determining the Tunisian southern mentality and people still take pride in their brave ancestors. Therefore, it is understandable that southern Tunisians have their own traditions. In fact, people there are particularly hot tempered when it comes to certain things which we’ll see in details later on. It is this historical factor that played a major role in shaping the people manners the way they are today.

In addition, Islam is the religion of the vast majority of the southerns.  People found great refugee in religion in the occupation days and we’ve seen great leaders emerge like Ali Al Hami a syndicalist, a poor people defender, a reformist and above all a nationalist. Say what you want about the south, but you’ll never be able to take away their militant history. All these factors have shaped the southerns to be conservative people.

But don’t let this fool you! In fact, southern Tunisian are not uptight like all of this might suggest.

It’s only about certain delicate issues that are sensitive in all of Tunisia but especially in the South. Southerns are very conservative people and despite that great reformists, in all areas of life, came from that region the average Joe there is a bit tough to discuss with when it comes to religious beliefs and such things. But after all, aren’t most people that way?

So let’s talk about what makes people there unique. You can’t have possibly not have heard of the hospitality of Southern people and especially in Kebili. Despite low incomes in comparison with the rest of the country one could safely say these are the most generous people you could ever meet. Just go there for a visit and surely, your experience will be a small addition to thousands of tourists before you.

Maybe it’s sticking to the roots of religion or maybe it’s the simple life they lead back in their home but you couldn’t possibly meet purer hearts, friendlier smiles and more welcoming people. These people will share everything with you their homes, their beds, their food and even their money. Scratch that please in a southern home you are more likely to get an esteemed welcoming more than a family member if you’re a foreigner. And please if you are visiting by all means don’t offer to go Dutch with the host at any time no matter what: People there take offence in that. And this is just perplexing as people there are not just famous for these traditions I actually personally have a friend who is been there with a large group in a shop to find out when he came to pay the bill that someone already had without even saying a word as a gesture of welcoming. Pure hearts indeed! One could only helplessly wonder what drive a whole region to be this generous. But no matter what it is that drive them god bless their souls in this particular area we could all learn a thing or two from them.


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