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BTS Assistant de gestion PME-PMI à référentiel commun européen – Session 2015

Analyse sectorielle : BTS Assistant de gestion PME-PMI à référentiel commun européen – Session 2015. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  16 Février 2016  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  544 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 725 Vues

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BTS Assistant de gestion PME-PMI à référentiel commun européen – Session 2015

Epreuve U21 B

Description of the communication situation (en français ou en anglais)

Name : PAGE

First name : Julien

Number of registration : M314071803











Titled of the communication situation : Phone Call


Head office : Cityzen Mobility

Address : 46-48 rue René Clair- 75018 Paris

Activity sector : Mobilty services for cityzens

Department or service : There are no departments.


  • General framework :

I was a trainee during a six-week internship in a company called Cityzen Mobility situated in the 18th district in Paris. I was asked to do many tasks, one consisted in answering telephone calls and taking reservations for the clients.

Mrs Raine made a reservation one week in advance for a round trip. On the day of the transfer she realized that she had made a mistake on the return time of her appointment. She decided to leave on her own but neglected to inform the company about it.

The driver not knowing about this change, waited for her for a half an hour. He decided to call Cityzen Mobility to get more information about the situation. I was the one who answered the call of the driver and I informed my superior of the situation.

It was a face to face communication between the director of Cityzen Mobility and myself. The objective of the situation was to inform him about the situation of the driver and the customer.

  • Components of the communication :

  • Actors : Guillaume Mathieu (the director) and myself
  • Relation between the agents : There is a hierarchical link between Mr. Mathieu and myself, the latter being placed under the authority of the first one.
  • Canal : Oral, (face-to-face)
  • Place : The office
  • Duration : 20 minutes
  • Stakes :

Julien has an influence stake: He has to convince Mr. Mathieu that he as trainee is not at fault in the situation and that the only information he possesses is the one given by the driver during his call.

Mr. Mathieu has an operating stake: He has to understand the information that has been transmitted by Julien to understand the situation.

He also has an influence stake: He wants to convince Julien that the situation is not normal and that there is missing information.

  • Shape of the communication :

The form of the communication is interpersonal, internal and formal

  • Techniques and communication tools used :

Techniques :

  • Active listening
  • Argumentation
  • Reformulation

Tools :

  • Telephone
  • Computer (the reservation software)


During the communication I adopted a cooperation strategy, I explained to Mr. Mathieu the information that I had gotten from the driver.

Mr. Mathieu used an influential strategy to try to make me feel guilty about the situation, instead of trying to understand the various elements of the situation. He explained his dissatisfaction in the fact that the driver must be paid more if the customer exceeds the waiting time.


All the stakes were not reached. I did not manage to convince the director of my innocence in the situation. The director remained convinced that there was missing information in the situation.

From a professional point of view this situation allowed me to practice patience and keep my calm during a difficult situation. Mr. Mathieu wasn’t satisfied. I was uneasy, however I managed to keep calm.


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