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Lettre de présentation en anglais

Lettre type : Lettre de présentation en anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  20 Octobre 2016  •  Lettre type  •  374 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 157 Vues

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Greetings to whom this may concern,

My name Constantinos Ronco and I am a student at the Collégial International Sainte Anne in Montreal, Canada. I’m currently in my last year my pre-university Pure & Applied Sciences program. In order to complete my program, my school requires me to conduct a research project abroad during the months of April and May that lasts four to five weeks that relates to the field I wish to study in university. As I wish to become an electrical engineer, I wish research the benefits of implementing automation on assembly lines. To make a long story short, I am requesting that I may conduct my research in any of your facilities in Germany.

While this project isn’t necessarily an internship, I would gladly appreciate any way that you may provide me with experience that would be useful for my future career path. Furthermore, I will not require a salary since my school forbids it. At the very least, all I ask is to be given the opportunity to observe how your automated machinery works and to be able to interview anyone who may be of assistance. I already have experience working in an industrial setting, having worked for 2 summers at a General Motors PDC (Parts Distribution Center) in Montreal where I received my certification to operate lift trucks and to work in heights. I already possess a number of skills that are useful in the field of engineering such us programming and experience with building and designing electronics. I’ve always been a passion-driven person who strives to gain experience and this opportunity would open the doors I need in order to live out my childhood dreams of being an electrical engineer. I have also always wanted the opportunity to go to Germany since it known for its strength in the field of engineering.

Thank you for taking the time to review my request. I look forward to speaking with you soon about how we can elaborate on the details for my research project. My CV (curriculum vitae) and a recommendation letter from my school is also available on request. Feel free to call me any time of day on my cell phone at (514) 941-7980 or email me at dinoronco@yahoo.ca.


Constantinos Ronco


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