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Comm 305

Mémoire : Comm 305. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  13 Avril 2019  •  Mémoire  •  557 Mots (3 Pages)  •  565 Vues

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Tala Hakla


MANA 341

Memo 2

What defines conflict in a work place? Is it really the people? Or is it just the job?

This memo discusses how power can lead to conflicts in an organization.

As mentioned in the article “How powerful, low-status jobs lead to conflict”, some of these conflicts are truly caused by the people themselves (Anicich, Fast, Halevy, Galinsky, 2016). It was also stated that there are many factors that lead to conflicts in work places including differing values, personal insecurities and many more. From manipulative manager to lazy employees, I agree with the statement mentioned in the article about conflict being a two-way street (Anicich, Fast, Halevy, Galinsky, 2016). I find that this statement covers all topic of the class slide being as causes to conflict. Having powerless jobs or the distribution of power as well as the source of power are all included in the cause of the conflict (Ruel, 2018, class 12+13).

In my opinion, providing power or using power for wrong purposes could be crucial to the organizations future on the long run. In the article (2), they mentioned the fact that with the power that was given to Mr. Summer as President of Harvard University, he was able to improve scientific research, expanding the university’s international focus, breaking down barriers between departments, and persuading some faculty to move to Harvard’s expanded campus in an unglamorous Boston neighborhood. (page 2 last paragraph). They also specified that Mr. Summer also said that when he went from Washington to Cambridge, he thought he was going from a meaner to a nicer place. He also said that he quickly learned he was mistaken.(page3 para3). Both of these statements explains the fact that distribution of power and the exercise of power both could lead to conflict as it could lead to enhancement. Power could be provided on different levels. In the text (2) Mr. Summers used his Legitimate power to help the advancement for Harvard University which in my opinion is very important for a leader with this much power. But what was not really appreciated by the president Mr. Summers is that he also used that power in a coercive way to demean other colleagues even cause conflicts amongst departments. The text also mentioned that the Mr. Summers abrupt departure may make colleges think twice before hiring big names with limited experience in academic administration. (page 3 para4).  Which relates to other causes of conflicts like a person’s background or differing values as mentioned in the article How Powerful, Low-Status Jobs Lead to Conflict, in the first paragraph. I honestly agree with both authors because this reminds me of my personal experience when I used to work for a corporation which had too many managers running around giving orders to other employees. They used abusive words and action forcing people either to work more and harder or on the other hand quit. There were too many managers to value each’s status as a high-status job. This reminded me of one of the articles I have read in the past about Goldmans Sachs when one of their leaders resigned because his values are no longer compatible with the organizations’ goal. All of those topics relates back to each other and the fact that culture, values and other personal backgrounds can cause conflict in an organization.


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