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The role of the governance

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Arts, Sciences and Technology

University in Lebanon

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The Role of Governance on Organizational Development: Case of North Lebanon Private Universities

Thesis for the Masters in Business Administration of Marketing and Advertising

Prepared by:
Moatassem Halimi

Supervised by:
Mr. Jean Elia

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This report would not have been possible without the support of many people. 

The authors’ first wish is to express my sincere gratitude to the project supervisor, Mr.Jean Elia, for his advice and support.

     Special appreciations offered to the coordinator of our department Dr. Fouad Ghazzaoui, I can’t say thank you enough for your tremendous support and help.

I am highly indebted to our instructors, special thanks to Dr. Ali Hamdoun and Dr. Abir Fawwal for their guidance and encouragement in completing this project.

     And last but not least, I wish to express my gratitude to my beloved family and friends, thank you Miss. Farah Halimi and Miss. Latifa Safi for your blessings, your help, support and your wishes for the successful accomplishment of this project.


During the last years, the higher education system in Lebanon has become an object of massive topic either for students or regarding curriculums and lessons.

This paper has posed new challenges to this sector of education system. It is firstly to introduce external regulation mechanisms, secondly to develop new forms of self-education.

Nevertheless Lebanese universities which are considered pioneers in the establishment of a standardized quality system, North Lebanese universities will also enable it to implement this system of education in order to promote a climate of understanding for students between them and with their superiors and their institutions as the civic and democratic spirit in campus life.

In first step, this research will simply light on explaining the directions, the methods and the elements influencing the business development in the literature review.

In second step, the study will explain our case study concerning North universities in order to develop a certain concept to improve the quality of education and to satisfy the students.

Then based on the results it will wonder why the university could not reach to prevent the registered problem? What are the steps to resolve these issues?

This research will be conducted using the real mixed method, both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Moreover, the instrumentations used for data collection, will vary between questionnaire used to collect primary, quantitative data and interviews will be conducted to gather primary, qualitative data. Quantitative data will be analyzed using excel (descriptive statistics) and qualitative data will be analyzed using data triangulation, in order to compare the results of the interviews and to facilitate the analysis of findings.

The fierce growth in private educational Lebanese system is changing by many governance. Some of students claims that the educational system must be developed in a way to facilitate students life by doing E-learning system, they think that the governance must cast off some traditional manner and add some complement to the traditional learning to proceed to the world of digital and some think that the governance should not interact and leave it as it is.

Key Words: Business development, diversification, North universities, students, satisfaction







Chapter 1        1


1.1.        General Background about the Topic        1

2.2. Choice and Interest of the Subject        3

2.3. Problem Statement        3

2.4. Research Questions        3

2.5. Research Objective        4

2.6. Research Methodology        4

2.7. Significance of the Research        5

2.8. Brief Overview of all the Chapters        5

Chapter 2        6


2.1 Introduction        6

2.2 Directions for Business Development        6

2.2.1 Product-market Growth Strategies        8

2.2.2 Types of Business Development Strategies        9

2.2.3 Business Development Directions Available to Organizations        11

2.3        Methods of Business Development        14

2.3.1 Internal Development        14

2.3.2 Acquisitions and Mergers        15

2.3.3        Joint Developments        17

2.3.4 Business Development Methods Available to Organizations        22

2.4        SWOT Analysis        24

2.5        Elements Influencing the Business Development Decisions        25

Chapter 3        37


3.1 Introduction        37

3.2 Research Objectives and Questions        37

3.2.1 Research Objectives        37

3.2.2 Research Questions        38

3.3 Research Design        39

3.3.1 Approach        39

3.3.2 The Techniques        40

Chapter 4        47

4.1 Introduction        47

4.2 Case Study of North Lebanon Universities        47

4.2.1 Overview of North Private Lebanese Universities        47

4.2.2 History of North Lebanese Universities (Comparison Between Different North Lebanese Universities)        48

4.2.3 Business Development Directions and Methods Used by North Lebanese Universities        51

4.3        Presentation of Quantitative Data        56

4.3.1        Results of the Survey        63

4.3.        Discussions of the Findings        76

4.4.        Conclusion        77

Chapter 5        78


5.1 Introduction        78

5.2 Conclusions        78

5.3 Future Researchers        79

5.4 Limitations        79



APPENDIX A        92

Checklist for the University Administrators        92

APPENDIX B        93

Questionnaire for Students        93


Figure 1: Elements of Strategic Management        2

Figure 2: Product Market Growth Matrix        7

Figure 3: Business Development Directions        13

Figure 4: Methods of Business Development        23

Figure 5: Elements Influence the Business Development Decisions        35

Figure 6: Saunders and Onion Research        37

Figure 8: Name of the University        62

Figure 9: Effectiveness of Teaching Courses        63

Figure 10: Effectiveness in Other University Courses        63

Figure 11: Equipment for the Educational Needs        64

Figure 12: Satisfaction Level about the Quality of Teacher        64

Figure 13: Evaluation System Facility in the University        65

Figure 14: Action of Authority in Basis of the Evaluation        65

Figure 15: University Expense        66

Figure 16: Concerning the high level education        66


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