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American history: what was the big aspect of this economic crises since 1850 and what was the role of the united states in there ?

Dissertation : American history: what was the big aspect of this economic crises since 1850 and what was the role of the united states in there ?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  27 Octobre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  554 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 246 Vues

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The history has shown that the first world has a major impact on the good development of societies threw the world. The period between 1850 and 1945 has shown a large transformation, this due to an economic development which has disrupted the traditional societies until spreading on the whole planet the western industrial model. this growth is continuous but not regular, going through crises. each period is marked by a dominant economic power.

So what was the big aspect of this economic crises since 1850 and what was the role of the united states in there?

Since 1840, the Europe was in a large progress, thanks to the first industrial revolution based on the use of coal, steam engine. Britan was there the first economic power thanks to what it provides from metallurgy and railways. This economic development is based also on the adoption of free exchange that consists on abolition of customs duties to facilitate trade between countries (1846 for Britain and 1860 for France) and also it uses natural ressources from the entire world. But this wasn’t long lasted and it was slown downed during the great depression situated between 1873 and 1896. The sector of agriculture was the first to be affected due to  the drop of prices affected by crises like phylloxera in France and the competition of nine countries ( cereal for the united states, meat for Australia). Production of agricultors dropped down and the industrie left its competence. France and Britain was both in hard situation because of this transformation that  witnessed the emergence of new powers like the unites states of America. The second industrial revolution was the beginning of a new area of prosperity between 1880 and 1960, the automative sector is taking off especially in the USA with the methods used by the economist Taylor that promotes the work on very repetitive and identical tasks. each worker holds a position, all in line, they work for hours to ride a car. mass production has led to an increase in the demand equal to an increase in consumtion equivalent to a global increase in productivity.

[pic 1]

Primary source: A mountain range of the Ford T in the Detroit plant (United states), in 1920.

The first world war turned around all the order of economics, Germany conserve dits industrial power but it was completly ruined and it couldn’t rise up its situation because of financial destrcution due to the war, it has to pay debt to France and Britain that is still has the biggest financial influence but is underscored by the united states in terms of innovation  and production. In the United States, the new deal adopted by Franklin Roosevelt was the solution for the depression of 1929 to rise up the level of unemployment that was an end to the period of economic development due to Krack Boursier at the beginning that is a stock market panic. This depression was over at the end of the second world war. The 20 th century was dominated by the united States. In 1944 the dolar becomes the internation currency.


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