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Bad habit

Dissertation : Bad habit. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  28 Septembre 2020  •  Dissertation  •  263 Mots (2 Pages)  •  591 Vues

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*Slowly, year by year, we continually develop several types of electronic devices that even some became revolutionary. Among them, the tablet is a successful device. Indeed, the tablet is an effective product due to its weight and its capability to maneuver easily.

First, the tablet is a beneficial product because it has many advantages over the computer. It responds better to the need of customers because it is light. It can be easily carried in a bag, while traveling, at the beach and so on. Unlike a laptop, which usually weighs several pounds more. The tablet is a perfect mix between the computer and the smartphone because it can be used in tight spaces, like the metro, museums or cafes, without difficulty. Therefore, more and more, the general public tends to prefer a tablet than a laptop.

Moreover, the tablet is an advantageous product, because its simplicity of use allows browsing on the Internet, consulting email or reading news. Indeed, the tablet is a work and the leisure tool with a variety of applications available. In addition, it is a very innovative tool and it is easy to handle thanks to its touch screen that could respond perfectly to people who have difficulty with technology. The tablet is also an essential tool because the functions are simpler. Finally, the tablet is a profitable gadget due to its maneuverability.

In conclusion, the tablet is practical in many situations and has a beneficial impact on several people who exercise social activity in an environment. **So, these are the benefits that the tablet offers to people who use it.


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