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Epreuve d'anglais

Cours : Epreuve d'anglais. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  13 Mai 2016  •  Cours  •  442 Mots (2 Pages)  •  830 Vues

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BOUDOU DORIANE                                                         L1 lettres classiques

        E29AN9 - Anglais majeure S2 / E28ANI9 - Anglais mineure         niveau intermédiaire S2

Which features does your cell phone have? What can you do with your cell phone?

What would you like to do with your phone? Imagine the features of the cell phone of your dreams.  (150 words).

  • The samsung galaxy s5 has a magnificent screen Full house HD of 5.1 " analyze the degree of luminosity of the place in which you are and adapt the lighting to propose you the best of screens. Your photos and your videos will never have looked so real. HE is available in 4 colors. With his new effects of material and its comfortable handling, once tried one do not can rest him any more! This smartphone resists numerous tests. Galaxy S5 is protected against the sweat, the rain, the sand and the dust. We can take him everywhere with us! This remarkable camera of 16 megapixels is endowed with an auto-focus ultra successful. No matter the speed in which we live things, we shall not miss a moment. Galaxy S5 is the very first smartphone to integrate a cardiofréquencemètre which allows to measure the pulse very easy and at any time. A connextion ultra fast. The Booster of download works by associating the Wi-Fi connection and the network. We can download a movie in HD in only 1 minute! With the Mode Ultra Energy saving, the screen passes in black and white and the access to certain applications which are not necessary for you is blocked. You can so hold 24 hours with 10 % of battery. Opposite, a telephone of certain weight gives an impression of robustness and I like to feel that my telephone is safe in my pocket. He will have to be solid and not line easily. Ideally he will be little dirty or then easy to clean! Well, at the moment it is because of the very classic, I was not going to tell you that I dream about a telephone which looks like a phone box. My ideal telephone will have to have a big storage capacity to be able to put it some music, files videos and applications of all kinds.


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