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Night In The Park

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peuple) sans abri mais il fait partie d'eux l'ironie, mais il ne le réalise pas.

Part 1

We are not told many things about the main and only character in this passage. We don’t know his name, his age, his occupation... All we know is that one late afternoon he finds himself with no place to sleep. He may have financial problems, he may have lost his job, and his wife kicked him out because he cheated on her. He might be coming from another part of the United States; he might have run out of money. He might have lost everything on the stuck marker in Wall Street. He is alone on the street, homeless. He has no experience, it’s the first time he is a homeless. He sort of though the matter would take care of himself. Nut now that night is approaching, he is beginning to panic of having no place to stay. Different solutions: - stretch out on the sidewalk- spend the night in a flophouse- spend the night in the subway. He is in despair at those alternatives. He rejects all 3 possibilities. Arguments: for the first one he could get exposes to danger, a madman could slit his throat, he could be arrested for vagrancy (vagabondage) . He refuses to go to a flophouse It repulses him because he would have to breathe their smells. For the third one, it’s noisy, too many lights, transit cops, not let him sleep. He still has not realized in what position he is, he does not realize he hasn’t got any choice. He still has the way of thinking of a rich urbanite, a yuppy (young urban professional). He is used to great comfort and he doesn’t come trough as a very pleasant character. He feels superior to the others. He’s prejudiced against homeless people but he is part of them irony, but he doesn’t realize it.

La partie 2

Le narrateur devient de plus en plus effrayé comme le temps passe, la nuit vient et il rejette toutes les options différentes. Finalement, malgré les histoires d'horreur qu'il avait entendu parler du parc central, il décide de le risquer et essaye de dépenser(passer) la nuit là. Dans le 80 parc central s avait la nuit une réputation épouvantable. Meurtriers, violeurs.... Même les criminels sont effrayés pour entrer la nuit. Il a décidé de surmonter sa crainte d'un tel endroit(place) parce que : 1-Il est épuisé, il s'est demandé autour de la ville, il est physiquement fatigué, usé. C'est aussi son premier jour dans la rue. On lui a probablement donné un coup de pied de ce matin donc il est probablement aussi avec émotion épuisé.

2-Il est autour onze la nuit, il est trop tard pour constater que quelque chose d'autre aligne 33 ? Rien mieux à cette heure ?.

3-Comparé aux autres possibilités il avait, le parc ne semble pas si mauvais. Ligne 32 ? C'est immense ?.

4-la raison(terre) serait douce. Nous avons ici un confort comparent aux trottoirs ou le métro(le passage souterrain). Ligne 35 ? Faisant mon lit en endroit(place) personne ne pourrait me voir ?. Il sent toujours le besoin de calme et la vie privée que bien sûr.....

..... Luxes niés(refusés) aux gens(au peuple) sans abri.

Il se rappelle les histoires d'horreur. Il a un couteau. Il ne peut pas espérer assurer sa défense avec un outil si pathétique. Encore une fois, nous pouvons voir qu'il a des problèmes saisissant la réalité. La fin du texte semble plutôt pessimiste avec ? Aucune lune dans le ciel cette nuit ? Ligne 46-47 obscurité totale. Il est perdu dans l'obscurité; il est tout seul dans les brumes du plus brillant, la ville la plus occupée(animée), la plus grande du monde.

Mais éléments positifs aussi : ? Petit respirent le cricket ... confortable(à l'aise) ... gazouillant dans un arbuste ... ? Il y a

Contraste entre ces 2 éléments. Il y a un contraste dans sa propre attitude s'endormant immédiatement comme un bébé dans la plupart d'endroit dangereux et il n'a aucune idée ce que son avenir immédiat va être concernant ses besoins les plus de base comme une salle de bains, obtenant propre, alimenté..

Part 2

The narrator gets more and more frightened as time goes by, night is coming and he is rejecting all the different options. Finally, in spite of the horror stories that he had heard about central park, he decides to risk it and tries to spend the night there. In the 80 s central park had at night a terrible reputation. Murderers, rapists.... Even criminals are scared to go in at night. He decided to overcome his fear of such a place because: 1- He is exhausted, he has been wondering around the city, he is physically tired, worn out. It’s also his first day on the street. He has probably been kicked out this morning so he is probably also emotionally tired out.

2- It’s around eleven at night, it’s too late to find something else line 33 ? nothing better at that hour?.

3- Compared to the other possibilities he had, the park doesn’t seem so bad. line 32 ?It’s immense?.

4- The ground would be soft. We have here a comfort compare to the pavements or the subway. Line 35 ?making my bed in a place no one could see me?. He still feels the need for quiet and privacy which of course.....

..... luxuries denied to homeless people.

He remembers the horror stories. He has a knife. He cannot hope to assure his defense with such a pathetic tool. Once more, we can see that he has problems grasping reality. The end of the text sounds rather pessimistic with ?no moon in the sky that night? line 46-47 total darkness. He’s lost in darkness; he is all alone in the mists of the brightest, busiest, biggest city of the world.

But positive elements as well: ?small


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