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What might be the future energies ?

Mémoire : What might be the future energies ?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  21 Mai 2018  •  Mémoire  •  977 Mots (4 Pages)  •  961 Vues

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What might be the future energies ?

                   People are already familiar with solar power, wind power, and even water power. But when it comes to the future of energy, those renewable power sources soon could be old news. Scientists and engineers are now building mashup versions of the renewable sources we’re using today with the goal of generating power with even greater efficiency and sustainability.John Rogers , senior energy analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists said : “The next category is sort of putting together elements that already exist but haven’t been put together” .Nowadays, work is continuing on fusion energy (probably the main energy in the future) and scientists are also exploring ways to harness energy from space.

                   In the short term, alternative energies such as geothermal, hydrolic (dams, tidal turbines), bioenergy (body heat) and solar energy (photovoltaics) seem reliable solutions for sustainable development. The future will depend on all these energies put in common to meet the needs of humanity.

1- Solar Energy

The sun emits electromagnetic radiation in which are notably cosmic rays, gamma, X, visible light, infrared, microwaves and radio waves depending on the frequency of emission. All these types of electromagnetic radiation carry 14% energy. 88. The level of irradiance (the energy flux) measured on the surface of the Earth depends on the wavelength of solar radiation.

2- Wind Power

Solar activity is the main cause of weather phenomena. These are characterized by displacements of air masses inside the atmosphere. It is the mechanical energy of these air mass displacements that is the basis of wind power. Wind energy thus consists of using this mechanical energy.

3- Hydraulic Energy

Like wind power, hydraulic energies have their main origin in meteorological phenomena and therefore in solar energy. The sun causes evaporation of water, mainly in the oceans and releases some of it on continents at varying altitudes. We talk about the water cycle to describe these movements. Water vapor acquires, at altitude, a potential energy of gravity; when water falls, this energy can be captured and transformed into hydroelectric dams, when the water returns to the oceans.


Indirectly, it’s solar energy stored in organic form through photosynthesis. It is exploited by combustion or metabolism. This energy is renewable provided that the quantities burned do not exceed the quantities produced; this condition is not always fulfilled. These include wood and biofuels.

5-Geothermal Energy

The principle is to extract the geothermal energy contained in the ground for use as heating or to transform it into electricity. In the deep layers, the Earth's heat is produced by the natural radioactivity of the rocks of the nucleus and the earth's crust: it is the nuclear energy produced by the decay of uranium, thorium and potassium.

     In the medium term (around 2030-2050) Nuclear fusion seems promising although the challenges are enormous (technical challenges). It would allow us to have unlimited energy for a good billion years . It seems almost utopian to imagine a world dependent on nuclear fusion so the obstacles seem insurmountable.

6-Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a process where two light atomic nuclei assemble to form a heavier nucleus. This reaction is at work naturally in the Sun and most stars of the Universe.

The fusion of light nuclei releases enormous amounts of energy from the attraction between the nucleons due to the strong interaction (see nuclear binding energy). It is with nuclear fission one of the two main types of nuclear reactions applied.

      In the long term (around 2100 and beyond) antimatter and vacuum energy could be exploited. Advances in nanotechnology and physics could allow us to exploit vacuum energy, but antimatter would provide us with less energy than the one used to produce it.


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