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La négociation chinoise

Étude de cas : La négociation chinoise. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  21 Décembre 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  658 Mots (3 Pages)  •  821 Vues

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Course Name: China Commercial law and its practices

Final Exam: Report by Group(less than 6 persons each) or by individual(100%)

Deadline for Report delivery: 17:00pm (Beijing time), Dec.21st, 2017, please select one of these topics and writing a report in English with PDF format. Do not exceed 6 pages. Please send your report to the following email on time and name all your members name in report: iso_szruc@163.com


1. Make friends first, do business later

The relationship between China and the rest of world have taken a considerable extension since the implementation of the opening openness policy of the modernization program.
Today more than ever, Westerners must understand the Chinese way of negotiating. And we know that the Chinese are basically inherently suspicious of people they do not know.

Traditionally, they prefer to do business with individuals in their circles (family    

, friends and people recommended by trusted friends).

Thus, we hear about Guanxi and long dinners during which we must prove ourselves.
And the truth is that it's not easy to understand certain practices.

In France, we do not understand well this relational system that some will assimilate to corruption or retarder to the business. However, we must adapt because it is a different system and specific to Chinese culture.

So How could I do if I face this problem ?

So we've heard that trading in China takes time. "欲速 则不 达 If you're in a hurry, you'll never get there. ". Indeed, in China, trade is based on trust, friendship and we often hear that a relationship of trust is better than signing a contract. Which requires time. It is necessary spend time in dinners, invitations, rituals.

Speaking of dinner, we heard about the culture of "Ganbei". We have heard that the art of "Ganbei" meets a rigorous protocol in China. The guest of a business dinner will have to finish his glass without hesitation if he does not want to offend his guest.

By the act of “Ganbei”, the individual demonstrates his sincerity. We have to get up and say a little word adapted to everyone. 
the drinker should take care to have his glass tapped on the lower part of the partner's, out of respect. Guests are challenged by each of the guests.

Do not finish your drink can be perceived as a lack of frankness, and refuse to drink can be seen as an affront.

And that is my first problem. I do not drink alcohol a lot
and if I do not hold alcohol, my desire is not to show a lack of frankness.


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