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Tableau des différents type d'école (en Anglais)

Cours : Tableau des différents type d'école (en Anglais). Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Janvier 2018  •  Cours  •  278 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 008 Vues

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That’s really the school of the air

There’s no place like home

Attending a virtual school










In Australia, in the Outback (= les grands déserts centraux de l’Australie) - Alice Springs.

In the U.S.A., at home.

In Kamuela, Hawaii (U.S.A.).

Persons involved

120 students.

14 teachers.

More than 2 million children and their parents.

Jayden Carter, a teacher, his classmates on other Hawaiian islands.

What type of schooling in based on

Schooling through the means of/via a short-wave.

Parents educate their children themselves: it is called «homeschooling».

It is virtual school, so Jayden logs on to his computer to attend online school.


The classrooms are spread/ are scattered all over the territory.

-There is not teacher; parents are the ones who teach their children

-Legal in 50 states of U.S.A.

-Homeschooling is a progressive/alternative type of schooling.

-A developing trend/a growing/increasing phenomenon (pluriel: phenomena). It increase by 7% every year.

-Like any student he has some homework to do and submit to his teacher. That’s why he scan his schoolwork and sends it by email to his teacher.

-Thanks to the webcam he can see his classmates and teacher.

-The teacher uses a microphone to be well heard.

-Jayden attends a live lecture every Tuesday.

Reasons for resorting to (= avoir recours à)  that type of school

-Australia is 14 times (=14 fois) as big as France.

-Some children live one day’s drive or more from the nearest school.

-Parents are dissatisfied or disagree with the school system whether public or private.

-Some options are smt not available in the school their children should go to, that’s why they decide to teach them those subject themselves and resort to home schooling.

-Some parents have different religious.

Jayden lives on an island far from the school, which is on another island, so a virtual school is more convenient.


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