Anglais bts ig devoir 3
Documents Gratuits : Anglais bts ig devoir 3. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoiresres échanges en ligne sont meme plus variés. Amazon Mechanical Turk, une raminification de la libraire, laisse chacun de poster des requets pour accomplir ce qu’elle appelle « les tâches de l’intelligence humaine », ceci va de la transcription de postcats à la vérification de documents légaux. Effectuez le travail et vous gagnerez quelque chose entre quelques pennies et plusieurs pounds.
Karl Marx aurait été inquiet : comme la compétition fait pression sur les salaires, il est difficile d’imaginer comment les travailleurs peuvent se défendre. Mais c’est ça le capitalisme pour vous. Quelque part le long de la ligne, la communauté devient juste autre en ligne échange.
Exercice 3
The crowdsourcing is a new trend popularized by an article in Wired which is an extension of the outsourcing only instead of using the offshore workers the crowdsourcing uses the huge online community as the low cost workers. Numerous web users rather amateurs than professionals perform various tasks
relating to the activity intellectual such as the creation of the digital products, solving the R&D problems in exange for the small remuneration.
An example of using the crowdsourcing is the new online libraries. In contrast to the traditional libraries which sell the right for the photo of the professional photographer enough expensive the new online libraries are storing a great many images uploaded by many amateur photographers with hope to its sell. If a customer is
interested in any photo the librarie gives the possibility to online exchange. He purchases rights for the reproduction of this photo in return of small fee for the photographers.
I think the crowdsourcing is good idea for the comanies which receive very cheap labour and for the web users amateurs which at the same time train and earn using theirs hobby. But it is bad idea for the professional employees as the crowdsourcing increase the competition and cut theirs wages and the big drawsback for the workers is the lack of any stability. But in my opinion the crowdsourcing using a lot of different people provide very vast diversity of ideas some of its are the veritable innovations.