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Devoir 1 Anglais Bts Am 1Ère Année

Dissertations Gratuits : Devoir 1 Anglais Bts Am 1Ère Année. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires
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à la clientèle.

En conclusion, une conversation claire, concise, construit une confiance entre clientèle et entreprise, et assure la qualité du produit, du travail et des services.

Partie 2 : Rédaction d’un récit en Langue Vivante Étrangère

From: Virginia Kelsey (Vkelsey@gmail.uk)

To: Dsangerdesktop@aol.com

Date: 11/25/11


Subject: Your command number 1234XY from 11/24/11

Dear Sir Sanger,

We inform you that your order from 11/24/11 for 30 ink cartridges priced at 600 euros was taken into account.

We ask you to excuse us, but we have difficulty in placing the order because the bank that issued your credit card refuses to settle the payment. We assure you that we will solve the problem as quickly as possible.

You have 7 days to contact the company; otherwise your order will be canceled. The method of payment can be updated using the automated telephone service.

If you already have an account with E-Office supplies, you can update your banking information for futures orders by registering and clicking on “payment options”, “banking information” and click “credit card” to the necessary changes.

Below are details of your order.

Yours faithfully,

Virginia Kelsey, assistant of sales manager at E-Office supplies.



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