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Fashion sourcing country

Étude de cas : Fashion sourcing country. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  4 Décembre 2022  •  Étude de cas  •  382 Mots (2 Pages)  •  297 Vues

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So now onto the country with chose.

As we anticipated choosing a country, to manufacture, our garment was not something easy.

We obviously hesitated with Asian countries, because they’re known to be good at textile. nevertheless, we thought it would be best for us to come closer to Europe, because of all that happen during the pandemic, we thought it would be safer and probably cheaper.

At first, for us Portugal, was the right country to choose, because it is in Europe, very close to France and have great factories over there and their also known to have good workers there even very low labor costs compare to other European countries, but then we did some research saw the potential of northern Africa countries, and then decided to work in Tunisia for many reasons.

Tunisia is known for having good textile factories, the country’s the top 15 garment supplier in the world, obviously the geographical proximity to France, it was something that we thought it was important to us. So, we know that the transportation of the goods will be around 10 days also, the labor costs are very low. It’s the equivalent of 114 euros per month for a 48-hour working week and obviously this makes them super competitive compared to neighboring countries, such as Morocco where they have higher labor costs.

We also took into consideration that many European countries work with Tunisian textile factories, mostly Germany, Italy, and France, so obviously being in France, it was something that we thought it would be smart.

We found that they have good quality fabrics, something that could be a problem in Asian countries sometimes. And this would insure the result of a good quality final product.

Within Tunisia, we had to choose, obviously a good region to manufacture our dresses, and we decided to go with Monastir, since it is the textile capital of Tunisia with over 510 factories as of 2012.

We chose a factory located in Salhine. We thought it would be good for us to choose one in that specific place because it is very close to the airport and we thought it would be a good idea, because if we ever have to visit the factory and see how the process is going, it’s easy to go there.


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