Orale angles sure l'inde
Cours : Orale angles sure l'inde. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar bamboo13 • 27 Novembre 2015 • Cours • 594 Mots (3 Pages) • 823 Vues
The notion i’m going to deal with is : seats and forms of power. I feel this notion is best illustrated by trying to see if all citizens are on an equal footing.
Firstly, we are going to see inequalities among citizens, then we are going to talk about inequality among men and women, and finally, we are going to deal of the evolution of indian society.
First of all, indian social system is based on caste system : that is to say that the population is divided in four great heriditerary and inequal social classes. The highest caste is brahman ad the lowest cast is Sudra. But there is an inferior caste, named an outcaste such Dalits or untouchables.
Dalit’s are very poor, because they occupy the bottom of the social ladder ; they are only allowed certain jobs such as cleaners or cobblers. Moreover, the caste system prevent people to change of caste or to marry someone of an other caste. Nowadays, the cast system is forbidden but in rural areas it still exists, and Dalits must live apart from the other castes.
In india, caste system is not the only inequality among citizens. There is also a very important social gap between rich and poor. According a report entitled « two stories », there are 55 billionaires in India, however more than 800 millions people live under the poverty line, that’s to say 2 $ a day .
We can illustrate this poverty with the contrast of indian city, for example Mumbai : the center is very rich, with skyscrapers, security, etc, but in spite of this, the city shelters one of the world’s largest slum.
India suffers also from inequalities between men and women, as evidenced the dowry tradition. The family of the wife-to-be must give a dowry or a gift to the future husband’s family, as a compentation to the groom’s parent’s for the cost of education of their son. And if the wife-to-be family could not pay, the bride could be subject of tortured or killed.
Furthermore,the « gendricide » is practiced is India. A lot of girl are killed at the birth. Indian families do that for many reasons : one on hand, girls’ parents must pay the dowry, and on a second hand, a girl couldn’t help to the field.
In « secret daughter of ms Gowda, girls are designated like drain for the family ». Because of that, they missed 50 millions of girls in India. In the document named « a country on the march », we can see that there are 940 girls four 1000 men.
However, India knows a very important evolution of its society and its economy. Indeed the economy of india grows up ( about 8 pouring per years ) due to the development of high technology, communication, improving of international business …
This prosperity is called « the indian tiger ». In the document « changing india » we can understand that more and more