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Cours : PAST PERFECT vs PAST SIMPLE. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  17 Mai 2020  •  Cours  •  600 Mots (3 Pages)  •  514 Vues

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Fill in the blanks with the right tense of the verb in brackets :

1 It was a woman who…………….. (feel) excited on Monday because of what ………………… (happen).
2 Robert (feel)……………… tired two days before Stuart ………………..(be) upset.
3 The person who……………. (be) happy…………………(not/be) a woman.
4 One person ………………….(look) and felt tired because he or she………………….. (not/sleep) well the night before. It wasn’t Veronica.
5 The woman who……………… (feel) relaxed…………………(stay up) all night to work.
6 On Thursday one man………………. (admit) that he………………..(fail) his driving test the day before.

7 Claire……………… (feel) angry all day on Wednesday because of what………………… (occur).
8 The person who……………….. (be) upset……………………(fail) his driving test.
9The person who…………………… (feel) relaxed on Friday,………………….(finish) an important work report.
10 One person…………………… (wake up) feeling really happy on Saturday because he …………………. (go) to a great party on Friday.
11 Robert………………… (feel) tired on the same day that his colleague…………………… (lose) her purse.
12 On Monday, Marie………………. (tell) everyone that she ………………..(get) engaged at the weekend.


Provide the right article when necessary: (a-an-the-)
1 Who was……….. first person to climb ……….Mount Everest? Sherpah Tenzing,  Edmund Hillary or Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin?
(Answer: Edmund Hillary)
2 What is …………..longest river in the world? ………..Nile, ………..Amazon or …………Thames?
(Answer: …………Nile)
3 Is William Tell famous for shooting ………orange,……… pear or ………..apple from his son’s head in Switzerland?
(Answer:……. apple)
4 What is………….. capital city of Venezuela?............ Santiago, ……….Caracas or………… Brasilia?
(Answer:………. Caracas)
5 Where was ………2010 World Cup held? In………. UK, ………..USA or……….. South Africa?
(Answer: ……….South Africa)
6 In Turkey in the 1800s, what was Britain’s Florence Nightingale famous for? Being ……….nurse, ……….doctor or ……….teacher?
(Answer: ………..nurse)
7 Where does an Inuit traditionally live? In……… igloo, ……..cave or ………..treehouse?
(Answer: igloo)
8 Which is ………..world’s largest lake? ……….Caspian Sea, ………Lake Titicaca or……….. Dead Sea?
(Answer: …………Caspian Sea)
9 Is Vasco da Gama famous for being……… soldier, ……….astronaut or………. explorer?
(Answer: ………..explorer)
10 What is ……..largest continent in the world? ………Africa, ……..Asia or…….. Europe?
(Answer:………. Asia)
11 Which river runs through New York?........ Seine, ………..Hudson or ………Orinoco?
(Answer: …………Hudson)
12 What was……….. Parthenon in Athens used as? ………theatre, ……….university or……….. temple?
(Answer:…………. temple)
13 What makes up 78% of the world’s atmosphere? …………nitrogen,………. oxygen or………… carbon dioxide?
(Answer: …………..nitrogen)
14 Where is ……..Jamaica? In………. East Indies,……… West Indies or……….. South America?
(Answer: ……….West Indies)


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