Sujet droit immobilier
Dissertation : Sujet droit immobilier. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar mohacht • 10 Avril 2018 • Dissertation • 256 Mots (2 Pages) • 821 Vues
Looking for a studio.
C : Hello
V : Hello, What can i do for you ?
C : We are in relatioship and our profession is firement , we search a appartment in which we can invest. Do you have that ?
V : Yes i have a appartment in which you can invest
V What is your budget ?
C : We have 200 000
V:I have a good appartment to offer you in Porthsmouth in a universitary residence are you interested
C : Yes of course, what is the price per square metter
V : the price per square mettre is 1000
C : It's a good thing
C We want to put a rent of 900
V : ok no problem, it's a good rent, have you others questions ?
C : No it's good
V : We take appointment for monday for finish this projet
C : Yes no problem
V : Ok no problem it’s a good rent have you others questions
C Yes could we have a defiscalisation dispositive
V : Yes the Pinel Law permits you to have lots of advantages
C : That’s perfect, The appartment have furnitures ?
V :Yes
C : The residence have a gymnasium, ? young people love it
V : No, sorry
C : Last question, when we can visit the apartment
V : Monday
C ok no problem, see you Monday
V : See you monday
Un couple marié à Angers, veulent investir, il a 34 et elle a 27ans,pas d’enfant,,il est avocat, elle est professeur en primaire,résiedence étudiiante, soit studio 18m² ou t2 36m², situé à Tours (ville étudiante), prix au m²,