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Sunstainble city anglais

Fiche : Sunstainble city anglais. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  23 Janvier 2018  •  Fiche  •  484 Mots (2 Pages)  •  979 Vues

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Our Sustainable city

Our sustainable city is going to be based on a zero waste policy that will make it very ecologic. We want to encourage the citizens of our city to waste less as possible and make them live in a clean and ecologic city.

First, let’s talk about houses. No more houses in our sustainable city but big and collective apartments, we want to put 26,000 people in 11,500 apartments. Those apartments are made to consume less energy as possible and to reuse and to recycle all the apartments garbadge. This is what we call vertical greenhouses. In deed, there will be 80 % of our waste that will go in recycling bins that will be linked to a recycling factory out of the city. For food garbage that won’t be send to the factory, it will be used to make organic compost that will be shared to every inhabitant and for a collective garden where people are going to plant vegetables or fruits to buy less and be environmentally friendly without using pesticides.

We already said it, we want our inhabitants to consume less and try to pollute as less as possible so we thought about a way to reuse clothe by a second hand market in the city where people can bring there old clothes and buy new one. In addition to those second hand markets for clothes, we will add as much urban agriculture places in the city that is known as vertical cultivation.

Moreover, we want our citizens to don’t use too much their cars so we thought that letting cars out of the city in parking is a better way to encourage citizens to take public transports, walking or taking bikes. In regards to public transports we need two things : tramways and buses if their is a problem with a tramway. We chose the tramways because they are long and they are electric so their pollute less that buses or taxis or even cars. However, it could be a problem sometimes with a tramway because if they don’t work, we can’t do anything so we thought that putting buses in those occasions could be a way to help people to arrive to their destination if it’s too far without being late. Our roads are going to be made with solar panels that are going to charge all vehicles that are going to roll on it because we also want our buses to be electric. And the left energy is going to be stocked and used during the night for public lighting.

We said before that we wanted to encourger people to walk more and take their bikes. So we decided to put a lot of green spaces in our city because theire is less place for cars. We want those green spaces to be a little bit everywhere.

That is what is going to be our sustainable city. vv


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