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The princess and the frog, 2009

Commentaire de texte : The princess and the frog, 2009. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  7 Mai 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  658 Mots (3 Pages)  •  820 Vues

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        The princess and the frog comes out 2009, which is the year of Obama's election as president. This American animated musical film was produced by Walt Disney Studio and, it was released by Walt Disney Pictures with a budget of 105 million. This movie is based on the novel the frog princess by E.D Baker. That novel was also inspired by the fairy tale “the frog prince” written by the brothers Grimm. This movie represents the return to the traditional animation and the Broadway musical of Disney, we call that the renaissance of Disney.

        The story takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1920. The main character is a young and beautiful women named Tiana. She wants to realize her and her father’s dream, open a restaurant. In order to do this, she has 2 jobs. Prince Naveen arrived to the new Orleans with his valet Lawrence to marry to a daughter of a wealthy man. They decide to visit a voodoo witch doctor Dr.Facilier, who turns the prince into a frog, and his valet, Lawrence appears to look like the prince. To keep the situation as it is Lawrence has to marry to a rich girl and kill her father.

Tiana’s friend named Charlotte is a wealthy lady who arranges a fancy-dress ball to seduce. She asks to cook to Tiana for the ball, in exchange for she will receive enough money to buy a place for her restaurant. She was costume as a princess and the frog prince Naveen asks her to kiss him in exchange for money thinking she was a princess. But after the kiss Tiana also turn into frog. They run away to the river where they meet a friendly trumpet player alligator Louis and a firefly ray which accompany them to a hodoo priestess mama Odie. She says that the prince must kiss a true princess until midnight. Not long after he realizes that he loves the main heroine and demons find him. Ray tells the girl about the feelings of the prince. When they found Dr.Facilier, he offers everything Tiana wants but she declines when she discovers his intention and understands her feelings toward the prince. Dr.Facilier kills Ray when Tiana tries to destroy the charm. Demons have doctor to their world. They find a true princess Charlotte but midnight was past. So they stay frogs but together. A bite after Mama Odie marry them and when they kiss they return into human because Tiana became a true princess. They open a restaurant.

        So even if they realize that their dream are not to open a restaurant and to a much money, but it’s love. It ‘s a more realistic vision of the society. Indeed it ‘s the first time that princess doesn’t research love and prove that she can Work. Moreover Tiana is a very independent person, and that’s new for a princess.  Actually is the first Black Woman, who is not a helper or a bad person but the main character. That represents the evolution of the mentality. In addition that educe children to be more open minded, even if there is the stereotype of the rich blonde girl who wants to be a princess. Even if at the end that can be nuance because we saw that she is a bit manipulative.


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