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The wind turbine and the radio

Cours : The wind turbine and the radio. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  13 Février 2017  •  Cours  •  255 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 072 Vues

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I. I'm going to write about the wind turbine : it's a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power . The man who invented it was Charles Francis Brush from USA .

II. Charles got the idea In 1888 .he was thinking about storage battery but he didn't know how to use it for something special and useful but one day when he was walking near his house he got the idea of inventing a wind turbine to power his house with electricity with storage battery .

III. I think the wind turbine is useful because it's indefinitely sustainable and clean form of energy / it doesn't create greenhouse gases ( toxique gas ) and that helps to reduce pollution .

I. I'm going to write about the radio. The man who invented it was Gugliemo Marconi from italy .

II. After hearing of airwaves in 1894 he began experiments in the attic of his parents. He took advantages of several inventions and discoveries to perform the first installation of the radio . this one was in different shapes and over time it changed for example in 1960 - 1970 it was rectangular and now there are radios in all shapes and colors .

III. I think the radio is useful because it has a lot of advantages like : communication, entertainment, space exploration . It is a small object that has great value and yet few people know that .


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