A fact of history
Fiche : A fact of history. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar clealmr • 27 Janvier 2018 • Fiche • 374 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 402 Vues
A fact of history
Hello listeners, today we welcome Staline. Hello Staline
How are you?
I am happy to be here because I am going to speak about me.
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All right, let’s go! When and where were you born?
I was born on the 18th of December in 1878 in Georgia under the name of Vissarionovitch Djougachvili.
Oh great! Do you have any brothers and sisters?
My parents had already 3 children who died very young, before my birth. So I was raised as an only child.
Oh, I’m sorry… Do you have any children and a wife?
Yes I had 2 wives of which I have 1 girl and 2 boys.
Where did you study?
I studied in an orthodox school in Tiflis until 20 years old.
So you are orthodox.
Yes, I am. In fact my mother wanted me to become a priest but for me it was not be possible. If I want to be honest with you I’m too ambitious and sneaky.
Do you belong to a politic party in Russia?
Yes, in 1898 I became member of the Social-Democratic party but I was arrested 4 years later and I was sent to Siberia for 3 years. But I escaped in 1904!
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When did you meet Lénine?
Oh Lénine! I met him in 1905 and he asked me to become member of the Central-Committee of Bolshevik party in 1912.
What did you do after Lennie’s death in 1924?
I killed my adversaries like Trotsky to become Lénine’s successor. Since I have all power I made URSS the world’s second greatest power!
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We can suppose than some are opposed to your policy and your ideas
They are eliminated or sent to the “goulags”.
I presume you have a lot of nicknames, no?
Yes, I have “the iron man”, “the red tyrant” and the best “the father of the nation “which I am very proud!
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And I heard that you are the chief of the communist, is right?
Yes it is true. I tried to spread the ideas of the communist around the world!
Now, what would you want to do?
Now, I want to become the model, the icon of Communism all over the world.
Wouah ! Fact history is finish so good bye Staline ! Don't forget that tomorrow we welcome