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Commentaire de document en anglais.

Étude de cas : Commentaire de document en anglais.. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  30 Octobre 2016  •  Étude de cas  •  394 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 137 Vues

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The queen opened the debate by pronouncing a historic speech where she reminds of the integrity and the power of our nation.

The partisans of the petition spoke first. They pointed out that Ireland had already made secession following the Troubles. Then Nicolas Sturgeon, the Scottish Prime Minister and the leader of the Scottish National Party underlined the fact that last year a referendum had been organized in Scotland to know if Scots wanted to be independent. The prime Minister of New-Zealand, John Key, also favourable to the petition gets us to understand New-Zealand wanted no more the Union Jack on their flag.

The “anti-petitions”, led in particular by Margaret Thatcher answered that the United Kingdom was still the fifth power of the world. Great Britain keeps good relationships with its former colonies thanks to Commonwealth. Nigel Farage pointed out that the Scottish referendum had not succeeded

Until that point, the debate was arranged and everything was fine.

Everything degenerated when some troublemakers wanted to speak. Suzanne Campbell, the president of a democratic organisation, calling for the end of monarchy began by saying that she wanted the end of the monarchy. Sean O ' Callaghan, a former member of the IRA added that it would be needed a revolution to overthrow the government. Bradley Johnson,    a  member   of  the    lower   class even [pic 6]

declared that the    monarchy   was      too   much expensive. Finally Chris Milgran, a member of the anarchist confederation spoke and affirmed that the queen was a "terrorist" who squander the money of the English. The audience was dismayed. This speaking aroused a vast protest.

Sir Winston Churchill and David Cameron sharply criticized mister Milgram and reaffirmed that the queen was just a symbol for the world. Emmeline Pankhurst, although favourable to the Scottish referendum, underlined that these words against the queen was unbearable and that it was very important to find the union of old

The queen, impassive during all the session managed to contain her anger. In her splendid closing address she promised to reduce taxes and announced that she would not tolerate any more the same scandal. [pic 7]

Great Britain remains “great”.

The United Kingdom remains “United”.

 She was warmly acclaimed.

Pierre Maillard

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