Document complémentaire LELE
Fiche de lecture : Document complémentaire LELE. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar kleobsr • 30 Octobre 2019 • Fiche de lecture • 478 Mots (2 Pages) • 689 Vues
The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald, 1925
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The great Gatsby was published in 1925. The narrator is a friend of the main character, Gatsby who is a New York billionaire during the twenties. In his sumptuous Long Island home, Jay Gatsby organizes sumptuous receptions where guests flock in a crowd. But their host seeks to dazzle only one person: Daisy Buchanan. She is elegant, rich, attractive, but she is the wife of a millionaire heir.
The author, F.Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 and died on December 21, 1940. He is an American writer who grew up in the 1920s and, which were nicknamed the Roaring Twenties.
At the beginning of its release, the book was not a great success, it is from the 1950s that the book will become known, he is the one who will have best to restore the spirit of this novel of the roaring twenties.
The cover book if above represents eyes. The eyes on the cover book symbolize that everything is always being watched. The eye could be representing God and how he is looking down on things.
The context of The Great Gatsby is the same as the one in which the author grew up; the time of spreading wealth and celebrations.
In the 1920s, the so-called "American way of life" was introduced. The Roaring Twenties are the period of growth and recklessness of America.
The character of Daisy Buchanan embodies a young modern woman of the 20s free manners, because indeed, during this period, the condition of women improves.
I chose this work because it reflects an interesting and rich historical period for the United States during which developed the idea of "American Dream", which F.Scott Fiztgerald criticizes in part, because none of his characters complete this dream of wealth.
He is a writer in his time because he describes the period during which he grew up, this book is even a symbol of the folly of the twenties