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How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?

Dissertation : How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  17 Mai 2018  •  Dissertation  •  411 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 151 Vues

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There are many people who inspire us in life and give a definition of the « American dream » for various reasons.

It’s the case of Mark Zuckerberg, he went from just a child born into a poor city in a middle class family, to become the youngest billionaire in the world. This article are going to talks about his life of heroe and to answer to the question How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?

On the one hand we are going to talk about his life and on the second hand we will talk about why is it a hero.

Mark Zuckerberg had a programming tutor named Davin Newman.When he was young he created his first known program he called ZuckNet, which his father, Edward Zuckerberg, used at his dental office to announce new patients.In high school Mark Zuckerberg began programing a music software he called Synapse which would become the app Pandora. After graduating he went to Harvard and soon after began work on the website Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg is a hero because he is a very generous man when it comes to donating his money to charities. Mark Zuckerberg, soon after his movie "The Social Network" was released, had "donated $100 million dollars to the Newark, New Jersey, public school system, saying that he was worried that teaching was not properly compensated or respected in American society". Zuckerberg was worried about these children's education and so he decided to give to them. Another showing of his caring is when "Mark Zuckerberg announced that he plans to eventually donate 99 percent of the Facebook stock owned by him and his wife. This shows that Mark Zuckerberg cares for people other than himself. All this evidence shows that Mark Zuckerberg is a very generous person.

Another reason Mark Zuckerberg is a hero is because he made it easier to communicate and keep in touch with people all across the world. This is very apparent because "By 2010 Facebook had 550 million members". By 2010 Mark Zuckerberg had already connected millions of people across America and had made many people's lives easier. This number got even bigger because "by the end of 2013 it boasted 1.23 billion active monthly users worldwide". By 2013 he had connected billions across the globe and even more join every day. This shows that he truly is a hero for making it so that anyone can get to know anyone anywhere.


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