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Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

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Morant Anthony                                                                                         TS2


Notion 1 : Idea of progress

Sujet : Fiction and Science

  1. During this first notion «  idea of progress  », i focused on new technology like a part of bionic body, cloning, artificial intelligence. This progress could maybechange the human capacity and the world.

I have studied a lot of documents like The Biotic age ; O brave new world ; From gattaca to Los Angeles ; Man vs Machine. And some films like Gattaca  and AI Artificial Intelligence.

When I studied those documents, one question was naised, Is technology really good for the world and the future ?

I'm going to answer at this question. First, I'll speak about what is the idea of progress, and then I'll say why is good and why not.

  1. Idea of progree

For many years, Hollywood has highlighted the fact that man confronts the machine (as in I Robot, Terminator) But it also highlights the likely humanity present in the robot with an artificial intelligence.

Man created the machine to help him in his daily life, however also in different medical or military. Today, a robot is able to move, walk, talk, and follow a discussion. But the robot is able to produce its like. The artificial intelligence is growing, one day it will probably be the same as that of our films.

Man created the robot for peace and order, it will be programmed to do that. But the only real enemy of men is the man, then it is possible the machines turns against men in order to protect rights.

Giving artificial intelligence to a robot is to give him a conscience, humanity, personality. It remains something complex and too futuristic for our time. However maybe in the future, a robot might be able to feel emotions or at least understand them. The man will have to teach the robot the intricacies of our thinking. The robot will be able to understand and adapt his project to help men without entering into the extreme of paradoxical extermination of humans to help mankind

  1. agree

The new technology can be really good for the humanity. We can change us daily life more easy for everyone. For exemple, i studied The Bionic Age, a document who talk about a man without one arm cause of an accident, but using of this new technology he could have a new arm biomechatnic. Sure, this new arm can't be the same than her really arm however it's a good progression. Other exemple, in Gattaca, i see a good life, without sickness, a safe life with other poeple.

But the whole is not clean

  1. against

In Gattaca, the life is predefined. We can choose the sex of his baby, his intelligence, his phisical.


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