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Traductions, anglais

TD : Traductions, anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  18 Octobre 2017  •  TD  •  348 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 087 Vues

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Anglais séance 2

traduction p19

1) Users who infringe the law by downloading copyrighted files should be prosecuted. However all the countries are not ready to put this into real measures.

2)even though there is a lot of research on the political effects of the media, we know much less about the effects of social media on french political opinion / in France

3) wouldn't be it be useful to give consumers of it products a say instead of trusting the marketing specialists who are not always real consumers of such products

4) When terminals and softwares will be friendlier and cheaper in the purchase a largest part of the populatin can equip itself again equipment without ruining itself.

5) Our occidental societies do not seem to be any more able to take place high technologies while 30 years ago communication restes on cheaper tools.

6) I adore surfing on the net or trade with my friends but i aways obey to the most elementary security rules and i don't communicate any personal information which could say it too long on me. at this moment i am writing a blog and i know that a hundred peaople is reading it's never about subjects which belong to my private life. I preserve my anonymity and my real identity what ever it's happening.

7) Even before taking office, at the end of 2010s, the new head of the M16, the British Intelligence, saw the smallest detail  of his private life made public because of the lack of vigilance of his wife who was a member of facebook community. A spy whose whole world know the brand of the swimsuit: everything is said. Before and after him millions of anonymous have learned gropingly and in their depends the vagaries of social networrks.

8) Being spied permanently is unbearable. Everything you do on the internet, especially if you use the browser chrome or your smartphone, all is stocked and analysed... and sold by google. Thereby offering you researches more adaptated to yout profile but also to adress you better targeted advertisings face in whom you are more and more vulnerable


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