Commentaire sur la peine de mort
Dissertation : Commentaire sur la peine de mort. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Nad ! • 18 Octobre 2017 • Dissertation • 277 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 078 Vues
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, I’m here in order to give my opinion about our current educational system in our country, the south of Korea. Certainly, our school system is one of the most successful in the world, we had very good results at the PISA test. But our school system is also the most difficult.
First of all, the cost of education is huge and our relentless education causes too much pressure on students. In fact, our students work more than 14 hours a day. This is huge compared to other countries! In South Korean, the leading cause of death for young people, is the suicide. Why? Because our school system puts them too much pressure! Students working every time! Many teenagers can’t survive to as many hours of work!
In my opinion, we have to change thinks! For this I have some reforms to propose to you.
First, we must give more freedom to students, schedules must be changed. They must be lightened in order for the students can enjoy their life and have fun instead of working. It is important that they can take a break in order to restart a day of classes.
Furthermore our system is too stricter. We must adjust the rules to relieve our teenagers. In fact, the penalties for delays should be reduced. The students have very busy days, they can’t come even earlier!
These reforms may be the starting point of a new educational system in which our students can be more fulfilled and happy in their life!
Indeed, give more freedom to students will allow them to do something other than work, this can only be beneficial for them.