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Portfolio LLCE anglais + Plan

Synthèse : Portfolio LLCE anglais + Plan. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  19 Juin 2023  •  Synthèse  •  980 Mots (4 Pages)  •  695 Vues

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Portfolio Analyse

Good morning, today I’m going to present you my personal portfolio that I created and developed during my last year of high school. Let me introduce you the following documents. First I chose the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë written in 1847 which talk about a young women who discovered aspect of the world. Then I chose Emma Watson’s speech on gender equality. Next the third documents is a painting by Frida Kahlo that depicts the deny of pregnancy. And the last document is a poem by Maya Angelou which glorifies women. Now, we can wonder to what extent is feminism depicted and how has its representation evolved over the decades?

To begin with, in Charlotte Brontë's time, women were seen as vulnerable creatures needing and seeking the love of a man to be fulfilled. But the declaration of love, uttered with passion to defend who she is, is an affirmation of identity and a plea for equality with the man she loves. Indeed, the novel Jane Eyre can be considered one of the first feminist novels. For it is one of the first times, that the main character is a woman; but especially that this woman does not define herself through her feelings, but exists as an individual, with a heart and a soul of her own. As when she says: "I am, therefore I feel, it is not the opposite!” So we see here, that she is a whole person, and equal to her fellow men. It is her humanity, and not her femininity, which makes her, a being of feelings. Furthermore, according to Jane Eyre, there is an essential difference between social class and a person's identity. However, she still wants to be the equal of her beloved, even if they do not belong to the same background.

We see here a representation of early feminism for her time that is close to the feminism that we can see in our century, as in the speech of Emma Watson.

Indeed, Emma Watson in her speech, propose a new way to reach most people as possible. Indeed, the speech is, in our time, can be the most effective way to reach individuals. She exposes in her speech the different inequalities between women and men. First of all the pay gap, which are always present with a rate of 9% unexplained. Then she also explains the social inequalities. Like the big differences of social status, or just an example that touches me personally, which is the body shamming. That is to say the fact to be criticized on the appearance of its body. Emma Watson reminds us that every woman is beautiful, and that no body should be more valued, or more beautiful than another. She also uses her personal experiences, to be able to reach out to as many people as possible, and encourage young girls, who are discriminated, against to speak out.

Now I'm going to introduce you, the feminist painter named Frida Kahlo. The painting that I propose you today, is the work Henry Ford Hospital. This painting shows the denial of pregnancy, that has been misperceived for years, and is still denigrated by some people today. Frida seeks to show the harsh reality of things. So she paints situations, objects and unconventional body parts that are not usually "talked about". Like the genitals, that she does not allow herself to hide. Moreover this painting here, joins a previous idea presented, which is that of the body shamming. Indeed, the problem is that women have hair, like


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