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Cours d'anglais.

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Par   •  25 Avril 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  5 093 Mots (21 Pages)  •  916 Vues

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Monday, November 7th

Pour poser une question sur la fréquence à laquelle on fait quelque chose, on utilise les mots interrogatifs 'How often'.

Pour répondre, on va utiliser:

Once               a         day, week, month, year…

Twice              a        week

Three times     a        month

Four times       a        year

NB: On peut aussi dire per month, day…

Ask your classmate the following questions and write down the answers in pencil.

Ex: How often do you eat hamburgers? I eat hamburgers once a week.

Ex: How often do you eat vegetables? I eat vegetables twice a day.

Ex: How often do you eat fruits? I eat fruits three times a day.

You should eat fruits three times a day.

You shouldn't drink alcoohol more than twice a day.

You shouldn't eat in MacDonald's more than once a week.

You shouldn't take all your meals in a fast food restaurant.

You should walk as much as possible.

You should do sport.

You should eat fruits and vegetables.

Les articles définis et indéfinis:

En anglais, l'article utilisé

- Pour parler de quelque chose en général, qui n'a pas été défini avant, est l'article zéro 0.

        Ex: I like milk = J'aime le lait.

- Pour parler de quelque chose faiblement déterminé est, au singulier l'article a/an et au pluriel 0+.

        Ex: There is a dog in the street. There are dogs in the street. (un chien/des chiens)

- Pour parler de quelque chose de déterminé auparavant ou par le contexte, est l'article the.

        Ex: The milk which is on the table is semi-skimmed = Le lait qui est sur la table est demi-écrémé.

        Ex: The dog I was telling you about is now in front of our gate.

I like chocolate.

I like sport.

There is a cat in the street.

There is a lot of people who walks.

The cat ran there and after 2 minutes he sleeps.

The rabbits eats a carrot.

Le present perfect

Le present perfect (Have au présent + Participe passé) est un temps couramment utilisé en anglais:

  • I have read 20 pages of Hamlet => forme contractée (oral): I've read 20 pages of Hamlet.
  • She has been to Italy twice => she's been to Italy twice.
  • I have not seen this film => I haven't seen this film.
  • She has never bought a car => she's never bought a car.

(Le prétérit s'utilise uniquement lorsque l'action est passée, finie ET datée.)

A chaque fois que l'on veut parler de quelque chose qui fait partie de notre expérience, quelque chose qu'on a fait ou pas.


I have read The Help.

I haven't done my homework.

I have finished my work.

Have you seen Titanic?

Have your ever been to India?

Have you ever tried paragliding?

C'est également le temps qu'on utilise pour la première fois que l'on fait quelque chose:


It's the first time I have seen this film.

It's the first time I've talked to him.

Ou lorsqu'on veut parler de quelque chose qui vient de s'achever:


I have just finished eating (!! verbe finish = V-ing).

I have just told him.

Ou lorsque l'on veut parler de quelque chose qui n'est pas achevé:


I have lived here all my life.

Le présent perfect V-ing est utilisé (Have been V-ing):

Lorsqu'on veut parler d'une activité qui était en cours et vient juste de s'achever:


I have been reading…

Ou qui laisse des marques sur le présent:


She has been crying, her eyes are red.

They have been fighting, look at the state of the kitchen!

                    You should drink more water.

Conseils:     You should do more sport.

                    You should eat three times a week vegetables.

                    You shouldn't smoke often.

                            I'm eating.

                            You're walking.

Présent v-ing:      She's sleeping.

                            They're reading.

Présent simple:     I walk.

                             I sleep.

                   I ran.

Prétérit:      I ate.

                   I slept.

                   I sat.


The woman in the picture is wearing a miniskirt, a raincoat and high heels. She is also wearing jewellery (necklace, bracelets, rings, earrings). She is plump. She is smiling broadly and seems to be glowing with happiness.

This article is probably about young women who are corpulent but who are not bothered by their weight.

The fashion world never used to pay much attention to corpulent women. But now that more and more overweight women have created their own style blogs, the clothing industry is starting to take more notice/take careful note of what they say and how they feel about fashion.

Christine Lewis is a 24 year-old young woman. She works as a graphic designer and lives in Maryland. Even tough she is a US size 24, she is not afraid to wear sexy clothes or unconventional outfits (tenues originales) ('PVC dress', 'studded waistcoat').

When Christine says that she is 'fat and fancy', she means that her corpulence does not stop her from being fashionable or from dressing smartly. 'Fat and fancy' sounds a bit like a slogan meant to encourage fat women to wear what they want even if it means showing wobbly body parts.

Tula is a girl who's 12 and she's a student.

She is greec and study on greec school.

She has 1 little brother and 1 sister which is older.

She lives in a house which has a grec flag and some gods statues.

She's not very pretty and she would like to be like the «famous girls» in his school: beautiful, have a lot of friends and not be alone for lunch.

She don't really like her life, she seems to not want to become like her old sister: a model for her grec and strict parents.

1. No Tula doesn't look happy

2. Tula wish that she was more prettier

3. A man enter the restaurant and Tula found him attractive so she was very nervous

Structure Wish+preterit modal

Ex: She wishes she had a different life.

      She wishes she had a more challenging job.

      She wishes she had a more open-minded family.

      She wishes she could fall in love with someone.

Tula's mother is a manipulator

The parents of Tula do not always seem to agree and often quarrel about Tula and her father often makes the decisions for the family and educate his children in his own way. One day, Tula has decide to change physically. She has started making up and using lenses, change her hairstyle and has dress differently. She has begun to trust her and has made new friends.

Monday November, 28th

 Causative:  to make somebody do something/ to manipulate someone into doing something

Her mother makes her dad accept the fact that Tula wants to go back to university: sa mère fait accepter à son père le fait que Tula veuille retourner à l'université.


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