Transportation means
Fiche de lecture : Transportation means. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Karim Oulahiane • 3 Décembre 2018 • Fiche de lecture • 543 Mots (3 Pages) • 566 Vues
The Best Transportation Mode
Transportation is something very important. People use it to go from a point a to a point b. There are many ways to move from a point to another. Some ways are more comfortable than the others. Some modes can be cheaper, or faster. Depending on the need of every one, people choose the mode of transportation they use or need. Within a city people can use public transportation such as train, bus, subway, or tramway (streetcar). These modes of transportation have a reputation of being cheap because their goal is to transport the maximum number of people. This is not the only advantage of using public transportation; it also transports you wherever you want in the city because the distance it covers is through the whole city. It also has many disadvantages. One of the first disadvantages is the comfort. People don’t have the comfort they want since they are sitting with people they don’t know. Another disadvantage is that people who use public transportation have to leave their house earlier in order to take the transportation compared to people who use other modes of transportation. They have to leave earlier because they are not guaranteed of getting the transportation mode on time since they don’t control the bus or the bus driver.
Another way of transportation is private transportation such as cab, or Uber. This transportation mode costs more than the first one since you are transported alone. The advantage of this transportation mode is comfort. You are alone in the cab and can do whatever you want without bothering anyone. One of the disadvantages is that you don’t control the driver in this transportation mode too, so you can be late for your meeting or the thing you want to do if your cab driver is late or if you don’t find any cab in the street.
The last transportation mode is owning your own car. In this case you have your car and you are free of doing whatever you need and you want. You can also use it to go outside of your city in order to go to another city or country, which is not the case of other transportation modes where you only move inside the city. Cars cost much more than other transportation modes but it can be considered as an investment.
Cars are the best transportation mode existing. Even if costs a lot money you can consider it as an investment because in other transportation modes you pay each time you use it and can’t take back your money. While for cars you can sell it and only lose a small percentage of the initial price. It also offers you to go to somewhere whenever you want with all the comfort you want since it is your own car. All people should invest in cars because it helps you save money in time and it allows you to be independent and therefore do all the things you want to do whenever you want to do them.