Devoir Anglais dissertations et mémoires
Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 579 Devoir Anglais dissertation gratuites 301 - 325
Vocabulaire d'anglais.
Vide : empty injuste : unfair puéril : childish une pensée : a thought de nos jours : nowadays un roman : a novel se plaindre : to complain Le harcelement : harassment un paysage : a landscape une cible : a target nuire à : to harm la liberté d’expression : the freedom of speech une croyance : a belief le flou : the blur un échantillon : a sample le moyen-orient : the
940 Mots / 4 Pages -
CNED Devoir 1 Mercatique
Introduction : Aujourd'hui, les tours opérateurs se spécialisent sur un nouveau marché : le marché du tourisme à vélo. Bien que ce marché est en expansion, ils concernent principalement les clientèles étrangères et a pour but de développer l'économie touristique du vélo. Toutefois, les tours opérateurs ne cessent d'élargir leur offre afin de toucher une plus large clientèle dont la population urbaine française. PARTIE 1 : 1. – D'un point de vue de la mercatique,
1 084 Mots / 5 Pages -
Marketing, anglais
STUDENT NAME: PROGRAMME: Business Management Level 6 STUDENT NUMBER: YEAR: 2016 -2017 GROUP: Level 6 Module Number: BSP6004 Term: 2 Module Title: International and Global Marketing Tutor Responsible For Marking This Assignment: Bachir Sentissi Module Leader: Bachir Sentissi Assignment Hand Out Date: 14/03/2017 Hand In Date: 14/04/2017 ASSIGNMENT TITLE: 50% of overall grade FEEDBACK DATE (Return of assignments to students): One month after submission SECTION A: SELF ASSESSMENT (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT)
1 413 Mots / 6 Pages -
Anglais : Notion Idée de progrès. What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation?
Notion: The idea of progress Definition: The progress is an evolution from something which makes life easier. Like new technologies with phones, internet or medical advances like Organ donation. Question: What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation? Surrogacy: It’s a mother who carries and gives birth to a baby for another couple. That using In Vitro Fertilization to make embryos which are selected and implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. PDG: Pre-implantation
331 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais vocabulaire
Vocabulaire Anglais séance 3 * against / in favor of * to reveal / to disclose * to oust * overwhelmingly * to give more credits to… * biased / unbiased / Fairness Bias = same amount of air time * explicitly / openly / clearly * “Echo Chamber” = figurative figure, an image with the rise of social media * nuanced views * “Alt-reality” and “Truthiness” = post-factual reality / outright lies used by
914 Mots / 4 Pages -
Cours d'anglais.
Monday, November 7th Pour poser une question sur la fréquence à laquelle on fait quelque chose, on utilise les mots interrogatifs 'How often'. Pour répondre, on va utiliser: Once a day, week, month, year… Twice a week Three times a month Four times a year NB: On peut aussi dire per month, day… Ask your classmate the following questions and write down the answers in pencil. Ex: How often do you eat hamburgers? I eat
5 093 Mots / 21 Pages -
La comparaison en anglais
COMPARISON - He's taller than his father (comparative/superiority/short adjectives) - He's more intelligent than I thought (comparative/superirity/long adjectives) - She's as blond as her sister (comparative/equality) - They're less tall than their parents (comparative/inferiority) - The poorest people probably live in Africa (superlative/short adjectives) - He’s the most intelligent boy I’ve ever known (superlative/long adjectives) - She’s the least traditional woman in the world (superlative) - Like their parents, they love horse riding - Unlike
262 Mots / 2 Pages -
Vocabulaire manaement en anglais
ATA anglais BIENVENUE / RELATION -Je vous souhaite la bienvenue à ... - Au nom de ... Je vous souhaite la bienvenue ... -Je suis heureux de vous accueillir à -Comment était votre vol ? -Voulez-vous boire quelque chose? SUGGÉRER UNE PROCÉDURE -Je voudrais maintenant commencer par suggérer la procédure / l'ordre du jour suivant - Pour commencer, je pense que nous devrions établir la procédure globale - Vous semblez acceptable? - Y at-il quelque
717 Mots / 3 Pages -
CNED BTS notarial devoir 1
Partie 1 : questions de cours (6 points : 1 par question) 1. Citer, en les classant, les différentes sources du Droit. 2. Après avoir défini la personnalité juridique, vous préciserez comment elle s’acquiert ainsi que ses conséquences juridiques. 3. Comparer l’absence et la disparition. 4. Expliquer le principe d’unicité du patrimoine et préciser si à votre connaissance, il existe des exceptions à ce principe. 5. Distinguer, en les illustrant par des exemples les
868 Mots / 4 Pages -
Présentation de lycées en anglais
Tache finale d'anglais Valentin : Hello, I'm Mister Clark and I'm the head master of the sciences high school. Welcome to our high school. Our high school is located in New York in USA and it's the best high school qualified in the sciences. Our high school is public but also free. You have to work well and have a good overall average but also a very good behavior. There is a little place. Our
283 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir de planification
Produit: Lait au chocolat "La chocolaitière " Niveau: 0 Délai: 1 Jour S.Min: 0 unités QEC: 0 unités Période 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Demande brut 7000 Réception prévue Stock en main Besoin net 7000 Réception planifiée 7000 Commande à lancer 7000 Produit Sac vert et bleu ( B ) Niveau 1 Délai 3 Jour S.Min 2000 unités QEC 50000 unités Période 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
499 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lettre en anglais
Dear Abby, I am a student in Degrassi high school, and I have a really good relationship with my girlfriend “Sabrina”. But she is having problems these days; her parents are splitting up, and she seems to be very sad about it. However, the real problem is that her dad wants her to break up with me. Simply because he thinks she that she is young and that I am black I am black. Can
344 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir 1 E4, Les cycles d’exploitation
Partie 1 : Les cycles d’exploitation (11 points) 1. Classer les opérations listées en annexe 1, selon si elles relèvent du cycle d’exploitation, du cycle d’investissement et du cycle de financement (3 pts) N˚ Nature des opérations Investissement Financement Exploitation 1 Emprunt contracté auprès d’une banque, viré sur le compte bancaire X 3 Vente au comptant d’un salon de jardin (table et chaises) à un particulier X 4 Encaissement d’une vente de matériels de menuiserie
944 Mots / 4 Pages -
Traductions, anglais
Anglais séance 2 traduction p19 1) Users who infringe the law by downloading copyrighted files should be prosecuted. However all the countries are not ready to put this into real measures. 2)even though there is a lot of research on the political effects of the media, we know much less about the effects of social media on french political opinion / in France 3) wouldn't be it be useful to give consumers of it products
348 Mots / 2 Pages -
Histoire de la littérature en anglais
This is not my first stay in rehab and surely not the last, rehab is truly the worst things I have done, and again they put me in a room, waiting for doctor take care of me and look at me like I was a little puppy who needed their help. Here everyone’s is nice, they try to convince people that being a junkie and an error of the society (that’s the expression my mother
3 062 Mots / 13 Pages -
Devoir 2 E4, recrutement d'un manager de rayon
Dossier 1 – Recrutement d’un manager de rayon (20 points) 1.1. Rédaction de l’annonce presse (8 points) PIECECARPOINT DE VENTE SPÉCIALISÉ PIECES DE RECHANGE, ACCESSOIRES AUTOLeader dans le démontage et montage de pneus« Ville »RechercheDans le cadre de son expansionMANAGEUR ADJOINT SECTEUR PNEU (H/F)Profil : Bon manageur,Expérience n ans minimumConnaissances automobile, pneus appréciées.Merci d’adresser votre CV et lettre de motivation à :PIECECAR « adresse » L’annonce presse doit reprendre : le secteur d’activité, le lieu
1 565 Mots / 7 Pages -
Rédiger un courrier en anglais
Expression écrite : NIKE INTERNATIONAL INC 300 Middlefield RD New York NY 27087 Tuesday, March 31, 2013 Mrs. Jane Fairness Global Exchange manager 967 Van Ness Avenue CA 95051 Dear Miss, I would like to thank you for your article about Nike and the interest you give to our company. I know that we did not respect the pledges made to end sweatshops and we regret it. Nike’s 500 000 work-force still to toil, face
323 Mots / 2 Pages -
BTS tourisme 1e année Anglais
Part 1 - Jobs 1. Hélène needs to speak English with American or British groups and visitors. But also outside July and August, many tourist sites only purpose visits in French and English for many different nationalities. Lastly, she needs to speak English with these tourists during summer if they don’t have their own guide. 2. When she has already worked on the site, Hélène doesn’t have to make researches on the site itself but
327 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais love actually
I read the book Love Actually written by Richard Curtis. On the cover of the book there are 6 photos of men and 4 photos of woman who are the main characters of the history. On the top of the photos there is the name of the author in blue and below there is the title of the book in red and black. In the middle we can see a red ribbon with a label
450 Mots / 2 Pages -
Oral anglais orlando bloom
Orlando Jonathan Bloom is an English actor. He is known because he played in lots of famous rewarded movies. First I am going to talk about his life. Then I will explain you about his filmography and what role he is famous for. Finally i will tell you what my favorite movies he plays in are. So, Orlando Bloom is born on January the 13 of 1977 in Canterbury, England. He grew up thinking the
451 Mots / 2 Pages -
Oral anglais orlando bloom.
Orlando Jonathan Bloom is an English actor. He is known because he played in lots of famous rewarded movies. First I am going to talk about his life. Then I will explain you about his filmography and what role he is famous for. Finally i will tell you what my favorite movies he plays in are. So, Orlando Bloom is born on January the 13 of 1977 in Canterbury, England. He grew up thinking the
451 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lettre de motivation en Anglais
Name Surname address address phone number City, date Dear Sir or Madam, Being now a third-year student at *****, I need to apply for a 6 months internship or job, from January to June 2018. Following a Management and Entrepreneurship Master course, I intend to focus my studies on marketing and management and to get a degree in Entrepreneurship. An internship is now necessary to valid my third year, in order to work in an
252 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais juridique
Anglais juridique (institutions britanniques) Magali JULIAN CM : 10 septembre 2015 I.The origins of Common law Great Britain : England, Wales, Scotland. United Kingdom : Great Britain + Northern Ireland. British Isles : Everything : All Great Britain + Isles We'll talk to the institutions of Great Britain : But in Scotland, the legal system is different. UK is a parlementary monarchy which has a centralize system of government with his seat in London. Divided
4 269 Mots / 18 Pages -
Fiche anglais
Structures 1. For et Since Avec un présent perfect : have + participe passé For : pour une durée ex : I have worked for 12h Since : point de départ ex : Tony hasn’t drunk alcohol since last Sunday. 1. Also et Too * Also : avant un verbe conjugué mais après l’auxiliaire He plays the violin and also plays the piano (play est conjugué) * Too : en fin de phrase He plays
1 736 Mots / 7 Pages -
La morale et le devoir
morale sur la raison Fondé par Kant -> morale valable pour tous en tout temps / en tous lieux / déconnecté des sentiments / universel. = > fondé une morale pur Toujours manager la morale à autre chose qu’elle même = x déterminer les caractéristiques propres de la morale —> la raison ne varie pas Kant : « la raison c'est la faculté qui détermine nos devoirs » Si mon action valable universellement ->
652 Mots / 3 Pages