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Audemars Piguet cas study

Étude de cas : Audemars Piguet cas study. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  9 Octobre 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  263 Mots (2 Pages)  •  761 Vues

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Audemars piguet is a switzerland brand which

creates luxury Watches.

The company was founded in 1875 by jules louis audemars and Edward auguste piguet.


AP is a world wide company since it is implanted in 88 countries, every single watch is hand made, thats a reason why the price is so much expansive.

At first the AP watches got known for their innovative designing, now the brand’s recognition is based on famous people wearing these watches

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such as musicians/rappers like ‪Jay Z‬, actors or even

Professional athletes like Lionel Messi.

AP doesn’t do normal advertisements, they

target specific types of people, people who could be considered well off or rich, in magazines like

Vogue, as well as on social networks and they sponsor big sports events, for example golf tournaments

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AP does not have a tagline since it does not necessary look to make itself known since it already has a clientel just like Every other very high end luxury brands .

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The logo of the brand is represented by an acronym (as you can see on the pictures) which as a simple design because the brand want to be classy and refined.

To conclude we can see that AP seperates itself by its communication and its prestigious history,

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AP knew how to keep their custommers and thus cast a shadow at their contenders like rolex and patek phillip.

Ce diaporama est un cadeau car je souhaite accéder a un document sur se site peu développé est tres peu pratique je souhaite la mort a ces createurs vous n’etes d’aucune utilité



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