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Article sur 1894 George orwell

Compte rendu : Article sur 1894 George orwell. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  11 Mai 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  493 Mots (2 Pages)  •  697 Vues

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One of the most significant stories in Canada is the cultural genocide of the indigenous peoples.

The indigenous people suffered a lot during the colonization in Canada.  They were persecuted uprooted, and removed from their families.

It all started with the arrival of Europeans in North America and began to colonize the land. They brought in a policy to bury the Indian problem. It is from this moment that what some people call the black chapter of Canadian history begins.

The first Indian residential school opened in 1870.

And then, the act has been modified and became compulsory. The children are forcibly taken by the police, even if the parents refused to let them go. An estimated 150,000 children have been ripped from their families, and completely uprooted. The objective was: kill the Indian in children.

Thousands of these children have died in these schools. The death rate was over 60%. The survivors kept of these places, a memory horror, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

The last residential school closed in 1996.

In 2007, the Canadian class action settlement recognized the damage inflicted by residential schools and "this policy of assimilation was a mistake, take great sentences and has no place in our country" says Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Several billion dollars were donated by "the trick" to help the survivors in their recovery.

One of the results of this agreement was truth and the commission of reconciliation.

Today, many of these people no longer want to talk about "reconciliation", after a girl is found dead in the river and a man killed with a bullet, the killer was acquitted.

Despite having taken steps to reduce the number of murders of indigenous women and girls, it continues to this day.

We think that with all the discrimination that exists today in the world, it would be difficult to talk about reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous. It is subjects that remains sensitive but which must nonetheless be taken into account by the government and do something about it.

We must all be the same in the eyes of all, and thus live in peace and harmony.

                                                AMADOU Kassim

                                                OUSSEINI Balkissa

                                                Friday, January 10, 2020


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